Public Hearing 12.18.23: Unanticipated Revenue

Public Hearing
Select Board
Rollinsford Town Hall
Monday, December 18, 2023
at 6:30 p.m. (or immediately following the conclusion of the Public Hearing regarding changes to the Town Parking Regulations, Ordinance 75-01 being held prior to)

The Select Board will hold a Public Hearing pursuant to NH RSA 31:95-b to accept Unanticipated Revenue from the State of New Hampshire on Monday, December 18th at 6:30 p.m. (or immediately following the conclusion of the Public Hearing regarding changes to the Town Parking Regulations, Ordinance 75-01).

Unanticipated Revenue: $16,589.44 Special Highway Block Grant and $10,424.64 Bridge Allocation

For your convenience, the remote hybrid meeting information is listed below:
Video call link:
Or dial: (US) +1 484-424-6765 PIN: 580 343 713#

Paving Updates

Week of November 20th
Paving on Locust Street, Stevens Court and Willey Street Extension is scheduled for Wednesday, November 22nd. Grading work is scheduled for Monday, November 20th and Tuesday, November 21st.
Week of November 27th
Paving on Watson Lane is scheduled for Monday, November 27th. Paving on Old Mill Lane and Partridge Lane will follow later in the week.
We do not anticipate further delays, however if there are any changes to the schedule, an update will be provided.
If you have any questions, please email [email protected] or [email protected].
Thank you for your continued patience.

Locust Street Roadwork and Paving Update

Additional work is required on Locust Street before the sidewalks and the road itself can be paved. In the meantime, the unpaved sidewalks are accessible and usable. 
The Highway Department is currently looking at the end of September/early October for paving to occur. An update will be provided when the schedule is confirmed.
If you have any questions, please email the Road Agent or the Town Administrator.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Message from the Rollinsford Highway Department: Road Prep Schedule

As part of the 2023 Road Plan and in preparation for paving that is tentatively scheduled for September, the Highway Department will begin prepping the following roadways:
Week of 6/26/23
Old Mill Lane (from the bridge to dead end) – hot top removal and regrading
Week of 7/10/23
Willey Street Extension and Stevens Court – hot top removal
Week of 7/24/23
Locust Street (from Main Street to Pine Street) – sidewalk and curb removal.
*Road reclaim and regrade will occur later in the summer.
Week of 8/7/23
Partridge Lane – hot top removal, sewer line repair and culvert replacement
Week of 8/14/23
Watson Lane – roadway rebuild
The above dates are tentative and subject to change.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation and patience.
George Guilmette
Road Agent

Upcoming Road Construction Beginning 10.4.22

Beginning October 4th, Brox Industries will begin reclaiming and regrading Jesse Doe Rd. Traffic in this area will be slow but passable and the transfer station will be open regular hours during construction.

After completing the work on Jessie Doe Road, crews will be moving to Beccaris Dr. to do the same. The road will be open to local traffic and emergency vehicles.

Please be extra cautious and attentive in these areas while work is underway.

Parking Ban 2.25.22-2.26.22

Due to the anticipated storm, a parking ban will be in effect from 12:01am Friday, February 25th through noon on Saturday, February 26th.

There will be NO ON STREET PARKING allowed during this time. Vehicles found parked on the street that are hindering snow removal are subject to being ticketed and towed.