Town Committees & Commissions
This is where it all happens! While we’re at home concentrating on our own households, boards and committees are working away to keep our town beautiful, efficient, and safe. If you are prepared for the thankless life of a superhero, the following groups are looking for new members. No experience is required, just interest and commitment!
The Historical Committee has just started back up after years of inactivity and is welcoming new members! One upcoming project will be to work on organizing and cataloguing the towns historical documents and artifacts. This board is anxious to hear new ideas and get input from the community about the role they will serve going forward.
The Conservation Commission will be appointing several new members. This group works to advise the Select Board about conservation land and easements, wetland protection, and development in town.
The Parks and Recreation Commission will be working on organizing several activities and offerings in town this year, including Family Fun Day, the Summer Rec Program, and a Winter Rec Program.
Anyone interested should contact the Select Board to express interest. You’re also welcome to show up at any meeting and introduce yourself!