The town’s road agent recently oversaw the painting of parking stalls throughout the village district.   The Board approved the repainting of parking stalls as they originally existed in the village; the expansion of parking stalls was not planned by the Board and the Board regrets the lapse in communication that led to the expansion.   We understand and see that several of these stalls abut quite closely to resident driveways.

As in so many municipal situations, interests and concerns are conflicting and competing.  While the Board may or may not have agreed to the expanded parking stalls had they discussed this as a projected plan, we now feel that they provide an organization to the parking in the village that, while not perfect, is an overall improvement.   Additionally, plans to remove or adjust them would carry a cost that the Board is not ready to assume.

We ask affected residents for their patience in living with the change and hope that it becomes manageable for all.