CORRECTION: Budget Committee Opening

A previous version of this notice had an incorrect email address for the Budget Committee Chair. It is corrected below. 

The Town’s Budget Committee currently has a vacant seat to fill. The Budget Committee reviews budget proposals made by the Town, School, and District then deliberates and determines a bottom line amount for each to bring forward to the voters.

The Committee meetings are on Wednesday nights at 6:30. They meet quarterly to review Town, School, and Water Sewer District Expenses and weekly in the fall months. There are two Saturday meetings: one in January and one in February.

Applicants are asked to submit a letter of interest in joining the Committee. Please include a brief statement about why you would like to serve and what you bring to the Committee (willingness to volunteer, perspective of the residents, some kind of practical skills or experience like accounting or purchasing, etc.). No related experience is required.

To submit a letter of interest or questions about the position, please contact the Budget Committee Chair.

Town Reports Are Available – See New Version Online

The Town Report is now available for pick up at the Town Office. Copies will be made available at the Deliberative Session. If you have already picked up a Town Report, please know that a correction has been made to the budget. The new budget document can be found on the Town website HERE.

If you have reviewed the Town Report online, it has been corrected to reflect the accurate version of the budget. You can see the CORRECTED TOWN REPORT HERE.

We apologize for the confusion. The correct version of the proposed budget matches the warrant the total of which should read: $2,464,122.

CORRECTION: Capital Improvement Plan

(A previous email contained an incorrect link. The corrected link can be found below.)
The Select Board has approved the updates to the Capital Improvement Plan.
The updated plan can be found here with other budget related documents.
These documents and others pertinent to voting can also be found on the homepage of the website, under the “Documents” heading.