January Select Board Meetings

Select Board Meeting
Tuesday, January 13, 2020 will begin at
6pm at the Town Hall

Tuesday, January 27, 2020
The Select Board will hold a Public Hearing on the Transfer Station Ordinance at 6pm
followed by the regular Select Board Meeting at 6:30pm

Public Hearings 11.4.19


Speed on Baer Road
Commercial Vehicle Restriction on Town Roads
Transfer Station Ordinance

The Select Board will be holding three public hearings on Monday, November 4th starting at 6:00pm at the Town Hall.

The first public hearing is regarding the proposal to change the speed on Baer Road from 35 MPH to 30 MPH.
Immediately following the first public hearing, the Select Board will open the public hearing about expanding the restriction of commercial vehicles on Town roads from a few streets to all Town roads after which the Board will open a public hearing regarding proposed changes to the Transfer Station Ordinance.

Recycling Update


 The Transfer Station is ready for you to sort and recycle.  The bins have been built; the doors hung; the baler is ready to be put to work.

Given the market changes in recyclables, it is no longer cost effective to group all of our recycling together. Different items have different value making it worthwhile to separate. Yes, it is disappointing as single stream was really convenient, but we know that it is important to the residents to keep costs down. Throwing items in the trash is always the most expensive option; therefore, recycling remains mandatory.

We are now ready to bail items with a refurbished baler purchased with 2018 funds. The cost savings from disposing of recyclable items separately and not throwing them away, will pay for the baler in 1-2 years and will continue to provide savings for years into the future.

Recycling as a commodity means that we need to make it desirable to a re-user. This means that anything with food particles is trash. Rinse your recycling!

We are now recycling the following separately in their own bins:

  • Tin cans (including ALL pet food cans)
  • Aluminum cans (beverage cans only, all else goes with tin)
  • All plastics marked with a number 1-7 (NO black colored plastic)
  • Glass (bottles and jars only) Lids must be removed and container rinsed out. Metal lids go in tin area.
  • Mixed paper (no six pack holders, juice cartons or beverage cases, “rippable” only)

EXCLUSIONS: No containers that held hazardous products, no flower pots, black plastic, buckets, bags, film, wrapping or foam

All communication and appliance cords now accepted so please bring them in. They are an income generator!