Activities bus from Marshwood High and Middle Schools will resume Oct. 24
To parents of Rollinsford Marshwood Middle and High School students,
The school board voted this week to reinstate the activities bus, also known as the “late bus,” which picks up students from Marshwood Middle and High Schools at roughly 4:05 and brings them to their homes. The bus will resume on Oct. 24 and is guaranteed to run through Feb. 2, 2017.
During this time the school board will collect ridership numbers, gather information about alternative funding possibilities, and request quotes for future costs from First Student. At the January 2017 school board meeting, the board will review the information gathered and conduct another vote to determine whether to continue the bus.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please email the school board or come to our next meeting.
Sincerely, The Rollinsford School Board