Bees & Beehives Garden Club Demo
Bees and Beehives
Wednesday, April 11, 2018, 7:00 pm
Rollinsford Public Library Community Room
The RGLSC/Garden Club is working with beekeeper Stephen Goodrow to install a beehive at the Community Gardens on Foundry Street. Steve will be providing a short demonstration on bees and beekeeping and will provide a Q/A session.
Prior to the presentation (6:30-7:00), the RGLSC/Garden Club will be hosting a seed swap. Bring your extra seeds and find some gems to take home!
The Rollinsford Garden and Local Sustainability Club is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that, on behalf of the Town of Rollinsford, oversees the Community Gardens and Nature Trails on Foundry Street, the Cross Street Garden Walkway and the Tree Initiative