Burn Permits
As a reminder, a permit is required for open burning. The Fire Station remains closed to the public, but permits can be obtained ONLINE HERE. (Please note: the department reserves the right to inspect any permit.)
Daily fire weather/fire danger information can be obtained HERE
General Burn Permit Rules
- Anyone who wishes to burn clean, ordinary combustibles such as leaves, brush or untreated lumber, or have a camp or cooking fire MUST have written permission from the landowner AND a fire permit.
- Permittee must be at least 18 years old
- Brush and wood must not exceed 5 inches in diameter. No household waste, treated wood or composite materials may be burned.
- A category I fire must be at least 25’ from structures and category II or greater fire must be at least 50’ from structures.
- Burning is NOT permitted during daytime hours, between 9am – 5pm (unless it is actively raining).
- You must have written landowner approval to receive a fire permit or furnish proof that you are the legal landowner.
- The NH Department of Environmental Services has regulations that must be followed regarding the testing and abatement of asbestos prior to demolition. Only clean, untreated/unpainted and non-contaminated wood may be burned.
- Permittee must have sufficient water, tools and personnel necessary to control and completely extinguish the fire. A buried fire is NOT an extinguished fire.
- Using tires or tubes to start a fire is a direct violation of the NH DES Air Resources Division rules and regulations.