Call for Volunteers
To: Residents of the Town of Rollinsford
From: Select Board
Date: March 20, 2018
Call for Volunteers
The Town of Rollinsford has several important boards, commission and committees peopled by interested and engaged volunteers who wish to serve the community. If you are itching to become an interested and engaged public servant, please consider volunteering for one of the groups listed below by sending an email or by calling town hall. (An asterisk signifies that there are no openings today but if you are interested we’d still like to hear from you so that we can keep you name on file).
If you would like to know more about a particular group, feel free to contact a Board member or our administrative assistant.
Please let us know by Monday, March 26th. We look forward to hearing from you!
Commissions, Boards and Committees of the Town of Rollinsford
Ad Hoc Committee to Study Town Manager (authorized at Town Meeting)
Capital Improvement Plan Committee
Conservation Commission
Planning Board
Zoning Board of Adjustment
Strafford Regional Planning Commission
*Highway Safety Committee
*Historical Committee
*Recreation Committee
*Stormwater Committee