COVID-19 Preparedness Announcement
The Town of Rollinsford is keeping abreast of the Coronavirus situation as it develops. We are taking steps to reduce the risks of infection to you and our staff by disinfecting surfaces daily. Based on the information we have at this time, we are asking people to change the way they normally go about their business with the Town as follows:
Please avoid visiting the Town Hall as much as possible. As much as you can, please email or call for information and questions instead of dropping by. When in proximity of other people, keeping a distance of six feet away is considered safe for the protection of each person.
Vehicle registrations: Please use the mail-in renewal notice you receive in the mail for vehicle registration renewals. You can mail them in or put them in the drop box in the front door of Town Hall. Only new vehicles require a visit in person.
Dog licenses: Please renew by mail or drop box.
Need a Transfer Station sticker? You can do this by mail or drop box as well by including a photocopy of the vehicle registration along with $10 for the first sticker in the household or $5 for an additional sticker. Stickers will be mailed back to you.
Please follow the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control at If you have any signs or symptoms, please avoid public buildings.
The Department of Health and Human Services has information on their website including statistics which are updated daily at
Call 211 for information and inquiries about COVID-19. Please do not call to test the line. It is for questions and information about COVID-19 only.