Creation of Low-Salt Area on General John Sullivan Way
At its meeting of 3/27, the Select Board met with Michael Trainque, consulting engineer for the Rollinsford Water and Sewer District, regarding the district’s request to create a low-salt area on General John Sullivan Way in order to help protect the newly opened WSD well.
After reviewing with Engineer Trainque and Road Agent St. Jean, the Board agreed to create the low-salt area. Our road agent will coordinate with the Rollinsford WSD for the installation of road signs to indicate the area. Attached (or linked) with this notice is the diagram of the well and the extent of the low-salt area (approximately 712 linear feet).
The Select Board will also work with Road Agent St. Jean later this year to review the possibility of trimming back the tree canopy to allow more sunlight on the road, enabling better melting via natural means.