Declaration of Candidacy Period Closes Friday, February 2nd
Declaration of Candidacy forms are now available at Town Hall for the following positions:
- One Select Board Member and Overseer of the Poor for a three-year term
- One Town Clerk for a three-year term
- One Tax Collector for a three-year term
- One Supervisor of the Checklist for a three-year term
- One Town Treasurer for a one-year term
- Three Members of the Budget Committee for three-year terms each
- One Member of the Budget Committee for a two-year term
- One Trustee of the Trust Funds for a three-year term
- One Trustee of the Library Trust for a three-year term
- One Trustee of the Cemetery Trust for a three-year term
- One Moderator for a one-year term
The filing period closes Friday, February 2, 2024.
If you are interested in declaring your candidacy for any of these positions, please visit Town Hall during normal Town Clerk operating hours (M 8-1, T 1-6, Th 1-6, F 8-1) to fill out an official Declaration of Candidacy form. If you have any questions, please send an e-mail to the Town Clerk or call (603) 742-2510 ext. 314.
Prospective candidates may also declare their candidacy at Town Hall from 3:00 to 5:00pm* on Friday, February 2, 2024. (*Please note that this is the only business that can be conducted during these special hours.)