Rollinsford Zoning Board of Appeals Session 11.18.21

The Rollinsford Zoning Board of Adjustment will be in session on Thursday, November 18th, 2021 at 7:00pm at the Rollinsford Town Hall to hear the following appeal:

Case #: 21-08
Nola Cady and J. Gregory Russell, 38 Dennett Street, Portsmouth, NH 03801 are seeking a VARIANCE to Section Multiple Dwellings to allow for four rental units in a property located at 429 Washington Street, Tax Map 1, Lot 31, that is situated on 14,767 sq ft of land where a minimum of 45,000 sq ft of land is required by the ordinances.

Copies of the application are available for review at Town Hall or via the Town of Rollinsford’s website.

John Hinsman, Chairman
Rollinsford Zoning Board of Appeals