Public Notice: Zoning Board of Appeals Hearing
Case #: 18-02
The Rollinsford Zoning Board of Appeals will be in session on Wednesday, September 12th, 2018 at 7:00pm at the Rollinsford Town Hall to hear the following appeal:
Phil and Bonnie Jennison, 125 Baer Road, are seeking a VARIANCE to Section 7: Land Space Requirements Table, Table 7, Footnote 9 to permit a lot line adjustment between Tax Map 3, Lots 7-3 and 7-4 to allow for a 9,500 square foot exchange of land between the lots resulting in a gross area of two (2) acres per lot; and an EQUITABLE WAIVER of Dimensional Requirements, Section 7: Land Space Requirements Table, Table 7, Footnote 2 to permit the existing dwelling at 125 Baer Road to be less than 50’ setback from the Baer Road and Fresh Creek Road lot lines.
Charles Putnam, Chairman
Rollinsford Zoning Board of Appeals