Recreation Committee – Members Needed
In early September, the Recreation Committee reviewed the 2016 Summer Rec Program in light of the Select Board’s concerns regarding the safety and security of the children. While safety and supervisory issues were foremost, the Board had also received several questions and concerns regarding the activities being offered. After much discussion, the committee determined that the current program needs extensive updating to meet compliance requirements, and programming expectations. It was determined that Summer Rec Program will not be offered in its previous format in the coming year.
Since that time, the Board has received several resignations from community members who have served either on the Recreation Committee or the Summer Rec Committee. The Board is looking for volunteers to serve on a newly-constituted Recreation Committee that will help develop an overall plan for recreation in the town and can advise the Board regarding the future of summer rec offerings. If you are willing and interested, please email [email protected] or call the town office.