Recreation Programming and Offerings

After careful consideration, taking into account legal matters involving the Town, a review of all recreational programming provided to residents in 2023, and increased intramural activities being offered through the Rollinsford Grade School, the Select Board has determined that providing programming for adults and seniors, as well as family programming, is the best way to use its resources. As a result, the Recreation Department will not offer recreational activities for children, including Camp Rolly, this year.

As noted above, in recent years the Rollinsford Grade School has resumed offering intramural activities and they continue to increase their offerings. So far this year, the Town’s children have had the opportunity to try basketball, soccer and floor hockey. The Drama Club is currently working on the Spring performance of the Little Mermaid.

The Select Board will continue to monitor and revisit programming later in the year.

If you have any questions, please contact the Town Administrator.