Rollinsford Water and Sewer District – Restrictions on all Outdoor Water Use
The Rollinsford Water and Sewer District (RWSD) has implemented a mandatory water ban that includes restrictions on ALL outdoor water use including all outdoor watering, car washing, pool filling, etc. It is extremely important that our District members comply (and help spread the word) so we can bring our water tank back up to levels adequate for fire suppression. Once the water tank level is restored to its necessary depth (hopefully within a week or so), watering of vegetable gardens will be permitted while restrictions on other outdoor watering will continue to be necessary until drought conditions improve. Please know that this is an evolving process and the RWSD will continue communication with District members on the current levels of the restrictions. For a more detailed description of the restrictions, go to the RWSD website or watch the recording of the May 25th RWSD Commissioners’ meeting: HERE (Minutes 48:57 through 1:27:52 and Minutes 1:58:36 through 2:23:18 are when the topic was discussed). If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to the District office at 603-742-8124 or VIA EMAIL.