RWSD Board Vacancy
Due to a pre-term resignation, there is an open seat on the Rollinsford Water and Sewer Board of Commission. The current RWSD Board is requesting qualified District members with interest in filling the vacancy to contact the Commissioners with a letter or email indicating their interest and qualifications to serve as a member of the Board. The term would last until the next Annual Meeting in March 2021. Interested candidates must reside in the Water District.
Letters of interest may be dropped off at the District office or emailed to the Commissioners at [email protected]. Candidates must submit their letter of interest by September 4, 2020. Candidates will be asked to attend the RWSD Board of Commission (virtual) meeting to be held on September 9, 2020 at 6:30 PM when brief interviews will be held with each prospective candidate. The Board of Commission will then select one candidate to fill the vacancy.