School Board Notice: Important 2019 Dates
Please mark the following dates on your calendar in preparation for the upcoming vote in March 2019. Attending the deliberative session will ensure that your voice is heard during deliberations and that you will be informed for voting day.
Details on all upcoming dates:
Tuesday, January 8, 2019 – Deadline for Submitting Petitioned Warrant Articles
Petitioned warrant articles for the Rollinsford SB-2, 1st Session, should be submitted to the SAU 56 office: 51 West High Street, Somersworth, NH. For more information, call 603-692-4450.
January 23, 2018 – February 1, 2019: Filing Period for School District Officers
The following positions will be on the ballot:
If you wish to run for an open position, please pick up an application at the SAU 56 office (M-F 8:00-4:00): 51 West High Street, Somersworth, NH.
Tuesday, February 5, 2019 – Rollinsford School Budget Deliberative Session
6:00 PM in the RGS gym. Please note that this meeting is on a Tuesday evening. Child care will be provided.
During the deliberative session voters may offer comments and ask questions about the proposed budget and warrant articles for the 2019-2020 school year, as well as propose and vote on amendments.
Snow date: February 9, 2019 at 9:00 AM
Tuesday, March 12, 2019: VOTING DAY
See you at the polls!
Meet our new administrators! Visit for profiles of our new school and district administrators. The School Board will also be preparing FAQs about the proposed school budget and warrant articles and will post them on the same web page. Stay tuned!