Select Board Meeting 3.23.20

The Select Board will be meeting on Monday, March 23rd at 6:30pm at the Town Hall.

We ask that those who are feeling unwell in any way not come to the Town Hall. Public seating will be in the hallway while the meeting takes place in the conference room. We apologize, but this is necessary to maintain proper social distancing. Those who would like to attend the meeting by phone are welcome to call 1 662-426-4694‬ and enter PIN: ‪776 315904‬# Please identify the mute button prior to calling and mute your phone until there is a public comment period. Then unmute your phone to comment.‬

We appreciate your patience as we try to adapt to new ways of carrying on essential functions during these extraordinary times. If you have any questions, please call the Town Office at 742-2510 or email