Town Clerk Position
Due to the resignation of our Town Clerk effective November 6, we will have an immediate opening to appoint a replacement Town Clerk until the election in March 2021. Town of Rollinsford voted to have the Town Clerk employed for a 3-year term. The duties and responsibilities of a town clerk are numerous and can be found throughout many statutes such as motor vehicle laws, election laws and vital statistics. The town clerk must be elected by the residents of the Town in which the candidate lives. The compensation of the town clerk is set by the legislative body at town meeting.
As a town official, the town clerk is not an employee of the Town. Thus, the town clerk is not subject to the personnel policies of the Town with respect to vacation time, sick time, or hours of work per week. If you are interested in being appointed to this position until March 2021 and in hopes of running for the position for the next three–year term, please send your resume and cover letter to the Rollinsford Select Board.
Hours of operation for the Town Hall are:
M-W-F 9am -1pm T-Thurs 3pm-7pm
Deadline for submission is November 13, 2020.