Zoning Board of Adjustment Session 11.19.20


The Rollinsford Zoning Board of Adjustment will be in session on Thursday, November 19th, 2020 at 7:00pm to hear the following appeals:

Case #: 20.05
Scott and Darcie Bradach, 27 Wentworth Street, Tax Map 2, Lot 18-12, are seeking a VARIANCE to Section 7, Table 7: Lot Land Space Requirements Table in order to construct a utility shed within the minimum building setback from the lot line.

In accordance with Emergency Order #17: Closure of non-essential businesses and requiring Granite Staters’ to stay at home, the Rollinsford ZBA will be meeting remotely. The public is encouraged to access this public meeting by video link or phone vie Google Hangouts. The meeting can be accessed via this link: or by phone at: (US) +1 617-675-4444 PIN: 486 470 924 7495#

The Board encourages members of the public to submit comments for meetings in writing: by email to  or postal mail addressed to Rollinsford Zoning Board of Adjustment, PO Box 309, Rollinsford, NH 03869.

Charles Putnam, Chairman
Rollinsford Zoning Board of Adjustment