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Dog Licenses

State Law

State law RSA 466:1 requires that every owner or keeper of a dog four months old or older must have it registered, numbered, described, and licensed annually in the city or town where the dog is kept.

  • All dogs must wear their tags.
  • Dog licenses are effective from May 1st through April 30th regardless of when they are obtained.
  • Dog licensure fees are not pro rated.
  • Dog licenses are valid throughout the State of New Hampshire and can be transferred to a new town for a fee of $1.50.

2021 Dog Licensing

Current dog licenses expire on April 30, 2021. All dogs must have new licenses for May 1, 2021 through April 30, 2022. In order to obtain a license, your dog’s rabies vaccination needs to be up-to-date. Please have your veterinarian fax or e-mail the Town Clerk your dog’s current rabies vaccination certificate or drop it off with the Town Clerk at Town Hall.

You may choose to renew by mail or through the Town Hall drop box (please include an extra $ 0.75 for postage). You may also renew in person during the current Town Hall operating hours.

2021 Fee Breakdown

Puppy (4 to 7 months old) $ 7.50 (plus $ 0.75 for postage if applicable)
Dog (spayed or neutered) $ 7.50 (plus $ 0.75 for postage if applicable)
Unaltered Dog (not spayed or neutered) $ 10.00 (plus $ 0.75 for postage if applicable)
Group License (5 or more dogs) $ 20.00 (plus $ 0.75 for postage if applicable)

*Seniors 65 and older receive a discount on the first dog licensed ($ 3.50 plus $ 0.75 for postage)