Rollinsford Grade School Kindergarten Registration

RGS is now accepting applications for kindergarten registration for the 2025-2026 school year! To be eligible for kindergarten, students
must have reached their 5th birthday by October I, 2025.
You may get a registration packet by:
Downloading the forms from our website
Picking up a packet in person Requesting to have a packet mailed to you
Mail or drop off the complete packet to:
Rollinsford Grade School
487 Locust St.
Rollinsford, NH 03869
Attn: Alyson Rachkoskie
Kindergarten Open House will be held on May 12th
(more info to follow). Visit our website or Facebook page to stay up to date, or contact the
office at 603-742-2351 at any time with questions.

2025 Town Elections

The filing period has ended for the Town of Rollinsford Officials.

The following residents have filed for office and will be placed on the ballot of the March election.


One Select Board Member and Overseer of the Poor Three Year Term:
Peter Lampesis

One Moderator One Year Term:
Charles Putnam

One Supervisor of the Checklist Three Year Term:
David Jasko

One Town Treasurer One Year Term:

Three Members of the Budget Committee Three Year Terms each:
Joe Desch
Charlie George

One Trustee of the Trust Funds Three Year Term:
Julia Roberts

One Trustee of the Library Trust Three Year Term:
Shelley Desch

One Trustee of the Library Trust Two Year Term:
Kenneth Calci
Nicole Noyes

One Trustee of the Cemetery Trust Three Year Term:
Michael Lapoint

Respectfully Submitted this 31st day of January 2025,
Nancy Maggie McCauley
Town Clerk

Deliberative Session TODAY

The TOWN Deliberative Session will be held this morning, 2/1, at 9:00 a.m., at the Rollinsford Grade School.

Dress warm, It can get chilly in the gym. It is sometimes necessary to turn the heat down so that those speaking can be heard over the blowers. It can still be difficult to hear even with microphones which we will have.

Lastly, don’t forget to bring your ID. You must be a Rollinsford resident and registered voter in order to vote to possibly amend and/or accept Warrant Articles to be placed on the Official Ballot for March.


TOWN Deliberative Session – Saturday, February 1st, at 9:00 a.m., at the Rollinsford Grade School

SCHOOL Deliberative Session – Tuesday, February 4th, at 6:00 p.m., at the Rollinsford Grade School

A Deliberative Session is the first session of Town Meeting. In Rollinsford, one is held for the Town and one for the School. At these Deliberative Sessions, Warrant Articles are reviewed, discussed and potentially amended. Finalized Warrant Articles from these Deliberative Sessions will appear on the Town’s Official Ballot and the School’s Official Ballot to be voted on in March.

Official Ballot voting, the second session of Town Meeting, for the Town and the School, will be held on Tuesday, March 11, 2025 from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the American Legion Post 47 (Foundry Street).

Information on Warrant Articles and Proposed Budgets can be found on the Town’s website.


School District Deliberative Session 2.4.25

Rollinsford School District
School Warrant Articles-2025
The State of New Hampshire

To the inhabitants of the School District of the Town of Rollinsford qualified to vote in district affairs: 

You are hereby notified of the Annual Meeting. 

The first session for the transaction of all business other than voting by official ballot shall be held: 

DATE: Tuesday, February 4th 2025 at 6:00PM 

Rollinsford Grade School, Rollinsford NH 

The first session shall consist of explanation, discussion, and debate of each warrant article. Warrant articles may be amended, subject to the following limitations: 

  1. a. Warrant articles whose wording is prescribed by law shall not be amended. 
  2. b. Warrant articles that are amended shall be placed on the official ballot for final vote on the main motion, as amended. 

The second session of the annual meeting, to vote on questions required by law to be inserted on said official ballot and to vote on all warrant articles from the first session on official ballot shall be held: 

DATE: Tuesday, March 11th 2025 at the Rollinsford American Legion in Rollinsford, NH. The polls will be open at 7:00AM and close at 7:00PM.