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Public Hearing 2.25.25 – Rollinsford Community Power Aggregation Program

A Public Hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, February 25th at 6:30 p.m. at Town Hall regarding the launch of the Rollinsford Community Power Aggregation Program which was adopted by voters in March of 2024 and authorized the Select Board to develop and implement the program pursuant to RSA 53-E:7.

Depending on your current utility default supplier, you may have received a mailing. Please see the information below regarding eligibility and opting in/out. There will be a short presentation followed by a public Q&A period. Residents are encouraged to bring an electric bill with them for reference.

This program, authorized under NH RSA-53:E, provides new default electricity service for customers in Rollinsford starting in April. There is no cost to the town for the program, no individual customer contracts, and no fees or costs for customers to participate, leave or join the program. Customers on utility default supply are eligible for automatic enrollment and will be notified by mail about their eligibility for automatic enrollment in the program. Eligible customers that wish to participate in the program do not need to take any action. Eligible customers that wish to opt out may do so on their next available meter read date using the card enclosed with the mailed notification, online or by calling the supplier. Customers currently on competitive supply are not eligible for automatic enrollment, but can join the program. These customers should check with their current supplier before enrolling in the program to avoid early termination fees. Group net metering hosts and net metering customers with monetary credits on their electric bills should opt out of the program. These customers may suffer significant loss of the supply credit on their electric bill. Some net metering customers including group members may benefit from the program, but all net metering customers should make an informed decision about participating.