Town Hall
Town Hall is closed to the public until further notice. If you have questions, please send an email or review the website. If you do not have access to email and must call, please leave a very brief voicemail with your name and number and Town Hall staff will call you back.
We accept CHECKS ONLY for all purposes. During this time, there is a drop box outside the Town Hall, or you may mail things in.
Dog licensing
Renewal letters have been mailed out for 2020. They are now past due. Please mail in, or utilize the drop box outside Town Hall. Please include a self-addressed & stamped envelope to return.
If you have a NEW dog, please mail, scan, or fax the rabies certificate with your phone number for us to complete the registration.
Transfer Station stickers
2021 stickers are now available. They may be purchased at the Transfer Station during normal operating hours by providing your vehicle registration and the appropriate fee (see below). You may also purchase one from the Town Hall by mailing in or using the drop box. You MUST include a copy of your vehicle registration with your current Rollinsford address, along with payment. Please include $10.00 for the first sticker and $5.00 for a second sticker in the household. (If you wish to purchase a second sticker, copies of both vehicle registrations must be sent.)
Auto Registrations
Renewal letters are mailed out at the beginning of each month. Each vehicle has an itemized total on the letter that is correct. Please mail in the letter with the correct payment or drop it into the drop box outside Town Hall. *Please note you need to include two checks, one written to the Town, the other to the NH DMV.
New Vehicles
- If you have a new vehicle to register and it was purchased at a NH dealership, that dealership should have issued you a 20-day paper plate. Please send the title application from the dealer or the title that was signed over to you along with a phone number where you can be reached for questions. We will contact you to let you know the appropriate fees and how to proceed.
- If you have new vehicle and wish to transfer plates from your previously registered vehicle, you will need to send in the prior original registration and the Title Application from the dealership. Please also include a phone number where you can be reached with questions.
- If you wish to get vanity plates for your vehicle, please download and complete the vanity plate application and include it with the appropriate paperwork noted above.
- If you have a new vehicle from a private sale, you will need to supply the Town Clerk with the title and a phone number to contact you in order for it to be processed.
New Residents
Please submit the following documents. We will contact you to let you know how to proceed.
- Title application from the dealer or current registration
- A copy of your driver’s license
- Proof of residency (a copy of a utility bill or pay stub)
- Your phone number
Please contact the Town Clerk @ 742-2510 or email the Town Clerk for details.
Copies of Death, Marriage & Births
These may be obtained from the State of N.H. vital records. Please visit the State’s web site for information.
Please deposit items for processing in the drop box in the front door of the Town Office or mail them in. We will mail registrations, Transfer Station stickers and other items back to you. Please include a phone number or email address in case we need to reach you. We apologize in advance for the delay caused by the manner in which we need to interact under these circumstances. Please allow extra time for processing and submit items for processing earlier than you might usually.
Property Tax Payments
Due to continued uncertainties surrounding Covid-19, 2020 property tax payments must be delivered via first class mail OR placed in the Town Hall drop box. Whichever payment method you select, please be sure to include the following:
- personal or bank check (no cash payments accepted)
- bottom portion of your property tax bill – please include your phone number
- if you wish to receive a paid receipt, include a self-addressed stamped envelope
To avoid accrual of interest, your payment must be postmarked or placed in the drop box on or before July 1st. For confirmation that your payment has been received, please check the self-service tax kiosk at, or email the tax collector.
Transfer Station
The Transfer Station is functioning as usual. However, we ask that for the safety of the employees and one another, that you wear a mask and stay 6 feet away from others whenever possible.
Stickers may be purchased at the Transfer Station during normal operating hours. You must provide a copy of your vehicle registration with your current Rollinsford address, along with payment. Sticker fees are $10.00 for the first sticker and $5.00 for a second sticker in the household. (If you wish to purchase a second sticker, copies of both vehicle registrations must be provided.)
Fire Department – Burn Permits
Should you need a burn permit during this time of social distancing, we ask that you utilize the online burn permitting system. Please read the details on this page about what/when you can burn. If you have questions about burning, please email the fire department.
Helping Our Neighbors
With our neighbors starting to lose their jobs, the Rollinsford Police Department will be assisting the Seeds of Faith Food Pantry in the collection of donations of non perishable food items and toiletries. On Saturdays from 9 am to 12 pm, the RPD will be available to receive donations. Items may be dropped off at our garage door and someone will then bring them inside to be delivered to the pantry. If you are able to make a monetary donation, please place the check made out to the RPBA in the secure drop box at the front door of the town hall or mail to the RPD, PO Box 438. Anything you can spare will certainly help out our neighbors who may not be so lucky during this trying time.
Would you like to volunteer to help neighbors in need, or maybe you need a helping hand? Send an email so we can help connect you accordingly.