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(RFQ) for Engineering Consulting Services specific to Stormwater Asset Management Programming


Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for Engineering Consulting Services specific to Stormwater Asset Management Programming.

The Town of Rollinsford is seeking the submittal of qualifications to develop a stormwater asset management program. This project is currently funded 100% from the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) Clean Water Grant Funding from the Clean Water Revolving Fund, in the form of a grant of $30,000.

Submittals shall include:

 A brief resume of your company’s experience with respect to similar projects for the Town or other communities.

 Names and descriptions of key personnel who will be responsible for managing the project.

 List of references, preferably from clients for whom you have completed similar projects over the last seven years.

Submittals should not be greater than ten pages in length. Consultant selection will be determined by the Qualification Based Selection (QBS) process and based on the merits of the firm’s Qualification Statement. Selection will be based on the following criteria.

 Qualifications of firm and project team members (30 points).

 Previous related work, with particular preference given toward similar asset management projects types as well as previous experience and past performance on projects with the Town (40 points).

 Understanding of required project work and approach (30 points).

The Town may choose to interview firms or make a selection based on the qualifications received. A scope of work based on March 24, 2024 CWSRF Asset Management Grant Guideline Document and fee for the services will be negotiated upon selection of a preferred consultant. The qualification statement is due to the Town of Rollinsford Town Select Board at 667 Main Street, PO Box 309, Rollinsford, NH 03869, on or before March 5, 2025 at 1:00 PM. Each consultant assumes responsibility for ensuring the timely submittal of their qualifications. This is not the responsibility of the Town.

The Town reserves the right to reject any and/or all qualifications for any reasons it deems necessary to protect the interest of the Town. The Town also reserves the right to cancel this request for the qualifications at any time for any reason.

Should there be any questions; please contact Cary Boyle, Town Administrator, at (603) 742 2510 ext. 313 or by email.