Trick-or-Treating has been moved to Sunday, October 31st from 5-7PM due to forecasted inclement weather.
Strafford Regional Planning Commission Is Inviting You to a Kickoff Event for Promoting Outdoor Play! (POP!)
Strafford Regional Planning Commission (SRPC) invites you to participate in a fun, family-friendly summer challenge for its Promoting Outdoor Play! (POP!) project. It is primarily aimed towards children and families but includes everyone. SRPC hopes to get you outdoors to explore the amazing recreation spots we have here in our region, and has spent a year collecting information on more than 300 sites! View them all in the POP! Online Map Viewer. Partners include The Childrens Museum of NH and Goodwin Community Health, and the project is funded by the NH Children’s Health Foundation.
SRPC will be holding its event kickoff on Tuesday, Jul. 20 at the Rotary Arts Pavilion in Dover at around 11AM, or just after the summer kids concert series concludes! There will be prizes throughout the summer for participation in our POP! Summer Recreation Passport Program, and for those who log their adventures using the POP! Digital Map Viewer. SRPC hopes to see you there!
Learn more at
Join Strafford Regional Planning Commission (SRPC) as they partner with the towns of Lee, Madbury and Rollinsford on a community Zoom forum to gather feedback on their Communities for Healthy Aging Transitions (CHAT) project. This forum was previously planned for Mar. 30 but has been rescheduled. This project seeks to identify strengths towards and opportunities for each regional community providing an inclusive, welcoming, supportive, and healthy environment for people of all ages.
To accomplish this SRPC wants to hear from the people that know Rollinsford best, those who live and work in town. Using virtual public engagement tools like Zoom’s breakout rooms and live interactive polling, SRPC will lead a discussion to best understand what residents value about their communities, and opportunities for making it even better.
Please join this interactive opportunity for providing input which will now be held on Thursday, Apr. 22 from 6:30-8:00 p.m. The best part – you don’t even have to leave your house-and you can still participate and share your thoughts!
SRPC looks forward to CHATting with you! Register online at, and contact communications and outreach planner Shayna Sylvia at [email protected] with any questions.
Can’t wait to share your thoughts or won’t be able to make the session, take the online CHAT survey.
A tree entangled in wires is down on Main Street near Stockdale Circle. Power will be out while crews remove the tree.
Additional can be found below, and also on the Town Website.
• One Select Board member and overseer of the poor for a (3) three-year term
• One Town Clerk for a (3) three-year term
• One Town Treasurer for a (1) one-year term
• One Town Moderator for a (1) one-year term
• Three members of the Budget Committee for (3) three-year terms
• One Trustee of the Trust Funds for a (3) three-year term
• One Trustee of the Library Trust for a (3) three-year term
• One Trustee of the Cemetery for a (3) three-year term
The filing period opens Wednesday, January 20, 2021 and closes Friday, January 29, 2021.
If you are interested in declaring your candidacy for any of these positions, please call (603) 742-2510 or send an e-mail. We can then schedule a time for you to come to Town Hall to fill out an official declaration of candidacy form.
A Special Sign-up Session will be also held at Town Hall from 3:00 to 5:00pm on Friday, January 29, 2021.
The filing period for the following Rollinsford School District officers begins on January 20, 2021 and closes January 29, 2021. Applications will be available Monday through Friday from 8:00AM-4:00PM at:
SAU 56
51 West High Street
Somersworth, NH 03878
Potential Candidates can also make an appointment with the Rollinsford Town Clerk, Dan Cullity by calling 603-742-2510 or by emailing.
Rollinsford Town Hall will also be open on January 29, 2021 from 3:00PM-5:00PM to submit an application.
Applications can be found online here
Open Positions
School District Moderator- One Year
School District Clerk- One Year
School District Treasurer- One Year
School Board Members-Two (2) Three Year
After 38 years of continued service for Rollinsford, Chief Robert “Bob” Ducharme is retiring as of December 31st! Starting in 1982 when he became a part-time officer, he quickly moved into a full-time position in 1986, and has served as Chief since 1992.Throughout those years has been an active member of our community including spearheading the Police Benevolent Association drive for holiday food baskets for needy residents.
The Town would like to take this opportunity to show our appreciation for his dedicated service and we need your help.We would love to host you all in person and allow you the opportunity to say your fond farewells, but current social distancing requirements make that difficult.
Yet there is a way to celebrate and it takes each of you. We hope you will help Bob remember his time with us and remember it fondly. Maybe you could write him a letter recounting a story of a time he helped you. Perhaps you and he shared a funny moment together. So many things have happened over those years. If you remember things, even as a bystander, now is the time to compliment his service. Most of us were part of his time here in some way, even if it was just a simple “hello” at the Post Office. It could even be a thank-you for that warning he gave you when he pulled you when he could have given you a ticket. Let’s get creative!
We will compile the submissions and put them into a nice book to present to him that he can enjoy for years to come.
Help us make this moment special for him. You can mail them to the Town Hall (PO Box 309,) or put them in the drop box at the Town Hall. We ask that you have your submissions in by Tuesday, January 19th.
Rollinsford Happenings Toy Drive
We will be at the Town Hall parking lot to collect toys for Rollinsford families for Christmas. There will be a doggie Reindeer to help Santa. Help Santa fill our trucks with presents for Rollinsford’s Children on his big night! BRING YOUR LETTERS FOR SANTA!!!!
In case you cannot make it to the Toy Drive——–
Point of Contact: