Roadwork In The Village

Following the completion of the Rollinsford Water and Sewer District’s (RWSD) water infrastructure improvement project, the Town’s Highway Department worked in collaboration with the RWSD to support the trench patching in the village. This joint initiative enabled the RWSD to maximize funding and replace a greater amount of potable water infrastructure. This means that the Town will be able to work towards substantial improvements to village streets knowing that the water utilities beneath should not require excavation and repairs for years to come. Currently, trenches along several village streets are paved with binder and were deliberately left 1.5 – 2″ below grade so that the Highway Department can make improvements to curbing, sidewalks and stormwater infrastructure before a final asphalt wearing course can be paved. This work is scheduled to be completed mid-October.
If you have any questions regarding the above or general questions regarding town roads, please email the Town Public Works Manager or Town Administrator.
Questions related to the RWSD’s recently completed water infrastructure improvement project should be directed to the RWSD.


Baer Road and Pinch Hill Road are scheduled to be chip-sealed during the week of August 19th. The Rollinsford Public Works Department will be collaborating with All States Materials Group.
The existing asphalt road surface will receive a preservation coating of hot asphalt rubber stress absorbing membrane which has the potential to extend road life by ten years economically.
During the install the road will remain open to travel, but delays should be expected.
When performing excavation or reconstruction, the Public Works Department considers the span of the Town’s municipal right of way, pre-marks site and utilizes Dig Safe services to locate and mark public utilities that may be buried beneath the right of way, i.e. public electrical, water, sewer, gas, etc. Only known public managed utilities are marked out by these services.
Private investments buried within the right of way such as ornamental lighting, irrigation, underground dog fences, etc. are unknown and will not be located by Dig Safe. It is the responsibility of the private property owner to mark and make aware of the location of the private investment. Any private property damage that occurs is the responsibility of the property owner.
If you have any questions, please contact the Public Works Department at 603-742-0831 or via email.

Public Hearing 12.18.23: Unanticipated Revenue

Public Hearing
Select Board
Rollinsford Town Hall
Monday, December 18, 2023
at 6:30 p.m. (or immediately following the conclusion of the Public Hearing regarding changes to the Town Parking Regulations, Ordinance 75-01 being held prior to)

The Select Board will hold a Public Hearing pursuant to NH RSA 31:95-b to accept Unanticipated Revenue from the State of New Hampshire on Monday, December 18th at 6:30 p.m. (or immediately following the conclusion of the Public Hearing regarding changes to the Town Parking Regulations, Ordinance 75-01).

Unanticipated Revenue: $16,589.44 Special Highway Block Grant and $10,424.64 Bridge Allocation

For your convenience, the remote hybrid meeting information is listed below:
Video call link:
Or dial: (US) +1 484-424-6765 PIN: 580 343 713#