Update Regarding Transfer Station Protocol

We appreciate everyone moving through the Transfer Station as quickly as possible, not stopping for a friendly chat, and handling their own waste.

There is one more precautionary change we are implementing effective Wednesday, March 25th.

The Transfer Station will not be accepting cash. Please pay by check whenever possible.

If you have any bulky items to dispose of, including demolition debris, which has a fee for disposal, please see the Attendant. If you are not able to pay by check, the Attendant will issue something that looks like the receipt you once received but it is now a bill. The staff will retain a copy for Town records. Payment by check or cash may be submitted to the Town Office via the drop box in the front door, or via mail at PO Box 309. DO NOT MAIL CASH. We appreciate checks for all transactions whenever possible. Checks should be made out to “Town of Rollinsford.”

Payments are due in 60 days though there is no fee for late payment. However, payments are expected by the end of November so we can close the books on 2020 properly. Your cooperation is appreciated.

Thank you for continuing to adapt with us through these extraordinary circumstances.

Select Board Meeting 3.23.20

The Select Board will be meeting on Monday, March 23rd at 6:30pm at the Town Hall.

We ask that those who are feeling unwell in any way not come to the Town Hall. Public seating will be in the hallway while the meeting takes place in the conference room. We apologize, but this is necessary to maintain proper social distancing. Those who would like to attend the meeting by phone are welcome to call 1 662-426-4694‬ and enter PIN: ‪776 315904‬# Please identify the mute button prior to calling and mute your phone until there is a public comment period. Then unmute your phone to comment.‬

We appreciate your patience as we try to adapt to new ways of carrying on essential functions during these extraordinary times. If you have any questions, please call the Town Office at 742-2510 or email

COVID-19 Preparedness Announcement

The Town of Rollinsford is keeping abreast of the Coronavirus situation as it develops. We are taking steps to reduce the risks of infection to you and our staff by disinfecting surfaces daily. Based on the information we have at this time, we are asking people to change the way they normally go about their business with the Town as follows:
Please avoid visiting the Town Hall as much as possible. As much as you can, please email or call for information and questions instead of dropping by. When in proximity of other people, keeping a distance of six feet away is considered safe for the protection of each person.
Vehicle registrations: Please use the mail-in renewal notice you receive in the mail for vehicle registration renewals. You can mail them in or put them in the drop box in the front door of Town Hall. Only new vehicles require a visit in person.
Dog licenses: Please renew by mail or drop box.
Need a Transfer Station sticker? You can do this by mail or drop box as well by including a photocopy of the vehicle registration along with $10 for the first sticker in the household or $5 for an additional sticker. Stickers will be mailed back to you.

Please follow the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control at https://www.cdc.gov/ If you have any signs or symptoms, please avoid public buildings.
The Department of Health and Human Services has information on their website including statistics which are updated daily at https://www.nh.gov/covid19/
Call 211 for information and inquiries about COVID-19. Please do not call to test the line. It is for questions and information about COVID-19 only.