Notice is hereby given in accordance with RSA 676:4 & 675:7 that an application for a MAJOR SUBDIVISION in which Lorax Sustainable Development, Inc., PO Box 81, Portsmouth, NH 03801 proposes to subdivide Tax Map 20, Lot 19, located at 658 Silver Street, into nine (9) Open Space Cluster Lots, will be submitted to the Planning Board on Tuesday, August 6 , 2019 at 7:00pm at the Rollinsford Town Hall during a regular meeting of the Board.
Upon a finding by the Board that the application meets the submission requirements of the Subdivision Regulations, the Board will vote to accept the application as complete, and a public hearing on the merits of the proposal will follow immediately. Should a decision not be reached at the public hearing, this application will stay on the Planning Board agenda until such time as it is either approved or disapproved.
Copies of the application are available for review at the Rollinsford Town Hall.
Per order of the Rollinsford Planning Board
John Hinsman, Chair