Water Shut-off to Downtown Area: 5/17/21

Water service has been shut-off in the downtown area due to an unforeseen issue with the Willey Street pipe replacement project. The crew is working hard to get things back up and running; water will be restored as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.

Water Shut Off 5/17/21


Water Shut-off

Monday, May 17th, 3 pm

To enable the connection to the new water main on Willey Street, there will be a planned water shut-off on Monday, May 17th , beginning at 3 pm.

Streets that may have an interruption in their water service include Locust Street, Willey Street, Willey Street Extension, and Stevens Court. The shut-off could last up to six hours.

Please call the RWSD office at 603-742-8124 with questions.

*Note: District Members are also encouraged to provide the RWSD with their email address to enable receipt of future electronic notifications and emergency alerts.