TOWN Deliberative Session – Saturday, February 1st, at 9:00 a.m., at the Rollinsford Grade School

SCHOOL Deliberative Session – Tuesday, February 4th, at 6:00 p.m., at the Rollinsford Grade School

A Deliberative Session is the first session of Town Meeting. In Rollinsford, one is held for the Town and one for the School. At these Deliberative Sessions, Warrant Articles are reviewed, discussed and potentially amended. Finalized Warrant Articles from these Deliberative Sessions will appear on the Town’s Official Ballot and the School’s Official Ballot to be voted on in March.

Official Ballot voting, the second session of Town Meeting, for the Town and the School, will be held on Tuesday, March 11, 2025 from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the American Legion Post 47 (Foundry Street).

Information on Warrant Articles and Proposed Budgets can be found on the Town’s website.


Select Board Meeting 1.12.22

Select Board Meeting, Wednesday, January 12 at 5:30pm
5:30 – 6:30 meeting with Interim Town Administrator
6:30 Land Use Administration/Building Inspector Hours, the 2022 Voters’ Guide and to prepare for the Town Budget Public Hearing scheduled for 1/15
For your convenience, the remote hybrid meeting information is listed below:

Phone: 1 929 205 6099
Meeting ID: 811 7751 1865

Town Administrator’s Final Report

The purpose of this report is to provide a summary of ongoing projects and to document topics for the Select Board to continue to monitor or work toward completing. It also serves as a report to the residents and taxpayers of Rollinsford and supplements the budget narrative I submitted which is available on the Town website. This report cannot be exhaustive but I hope will provide valued guidance, and encourage public participation in affairs of Town governance.

Stormwater Permit – the annual report for the period of July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021 is due by September 28, 2021. The report is many pages long and requires specific information in the Town’s activity related to the permit for the previous year. Going forward the Town would be well served to have an outside engineer or trained dedicated employee manage the many calendar items and projects associated with the increasing responsibilities of this technically-complex Federal permit. It requires several hours per month of dedicated time. The area communities have provided, and continue to be available for, ongoing guidance in helping all the affected municipalities in the region respond to the permit requirements in a consistent manner. The Town would benefit from sending a consistent representative to those meetings.

Nitrogen Permit – this permit technically resides with the RWSD which is not staffed to consistently interact with the partnering communities to make best use of resources there. The Town has a responsibility with the permit to plan to remediate the non-point sources for Total Nitrogen discharge into the Great Bay Watershed. The most effective way to do this is by taking septic systems offline and increasing the service area of the RWSD. The area communities are working together to evaluate and communicate with member communities the costs and associated benefits of potential action items. The Town would benefit from consistent participation in those meetings.

American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funds –

The Town has received the first payment of $135,000 from the State. The second half will come in the summer of 2021. Before any funds are spent, the Select Board needs to sign the existing (or new) conflict of interest policy as well as create a policies for texting while driving and seatbelt use both pertaining to employees who drive for the Town as part of their employment. Any funds spent require a public hearing for the Select Board to propose a project and its cost and hear feedback from the residents. The funds are highly restricted. The most applicable use for Rollinsford is water, wastewater, and stormwater infrastructure. The RWSD is not eligible to receive funds separately and the Town’s funds were calculated to include the District. However, there is no State or Federal guidance on what portion should be spent on behalf of the District. If the District were to benefit from the funds, it would be reasonable to assume that they would likewise be subject to the policy restrictions imposed upon the Town. Questions about that or use of the funds can be directed to the State GOEFFER office. The Bookkeeper is required to submit reports to the State regularly regarding the expenditure of these funds.

My recommendation would be that the Town investigate using some ARPA funds to extend the RWSD sewer line to the Fire Station. The septic tank at the Station is old and will otherwise need to be replaced at some point with taxpayer dollars. Extending the line would not make financial sense for the District as the benefit of additional users is not significant to bear the cost. If the line were to be extended quickly, it would assist the Town in meeting its Stormwater Permit requirement of creating a vehicle wash station at the Fire Department (and Highway Department both due to be completed by the end of June 2022) which could also be funded with these funds rather than tax dollars.

ARPA funds cannot be used to offset the tax rate directly or otherwise held in “savings”. All funds must be spent on State-approved uses or returned to the State.

The following items are on the respective Town Attorney’s agenda. The following attorneys have corresponded with me and/or the Board over the following matters:

Cable Franchise Agreement – Steve Roberts of Hoefle, Phoenix, Gormley and Roberts

The Board has received guidance from Attorney Roberts and might review the guidance prior to holding a public hearing on the proposed changes. The Town is still operating on extensions on the original agreement signed with Comcast in the 1970’s. The Town could opt to wire the Town Hall conference room for cable streaming of meetings though this would require administrative support to manage.

Videos of meetings:

Meetings have been video recorded by the Town for a number of years. This was made easier while meeting remotely because of the automatic recording function of remote meeting software. Now only the Select Board is recording their meetings and those videos do not show all participants. Further, the Zoom platform (as opposed to Google) creates an audio and video file which need to be combined using software. Prior to the use of remote meetings, the Library was processing video meetings for the Town and making them available on the Town website. They not longer have that functionality due to outdated technology. The residents have shown they value the ability to attend meetings remotely. If the Town would like to continue to provide videos, the Select Board might work with a consultant to purchase the appropriate technology to do it well.

Onboarding new Board members:

The Select Board is very new to their role. Board members have trainings available to them through the New Hampshire Municipal Association and Town Counsel. When a new or interim Town Administrator is appointed, it would be worthwhile to conduct Board trainings as soon as possible for the Board to better understand their role, responsibilities, authority, limitations of individual authority and other rules such as those pertaining to government transparency.

Employment Issue – Larry Gormley of Hoefle, Phoenix, Gormley and Roberts

A case has been filed. Jon Uraskevich has information on this case.

Land Use Code Violation – Kevin Baum of Hoefle, Phoenix, Gormley and Roberts

This code violation has gone back decades. The Town chose to work with the property owner to fix the issue. Tom Clark and I have been working with the property owner and his representatives to compel the property owner to seek compliance through the ZBA. They have filed an application for the September ZBA meeting. After that meeting the Board can expect a follow up statement from Kevin Baum and Tom Clark about any further action necessary.

Tax Collector Compensation Policy – John Ratigan of Donahue, Tucker and Ciandella

The Tax Collector is an appointed official. As such, the position is not subject to the personnel policy and is therefore, not entitled to accrued paid sick and vacation time as well as other benefits provided by the policy. This position is subject to annual appointment by the Select Board right after Town Meeting. The Attorney has advised the Town to create a compensation policy to be approved at Town Meeting in March which should outline the expectations for this position in addition to compensation. The law only requires the Tax Collector to be available to the public 2 hours per month. (A similar policy could be written and proposed at Town Meeting for the Town Clerk.)

Southeast Land Trust (SELT) Access to River Road ROW – John Ratigan of Donahue, Tucker and Ciandella

SELT would like to access their land via this ROW instead of their ROW off of Baer Road due to a failed stream crossing on the Baer Road ROW. The Select Board has told SELT that the weight restrictions on local roads in the area will stand which would prohibit the use of the ROW. The Town is expecting an alternative proposal from SELT.


To know later:

 Planning Board:

The Town is lucky to have dedicated volunteers serving on its boards and committees. The Planning Board is a highly technical board which benefits from consistency in its membership so that people learn through experience. Every case is different and the authority and duties of the Planning Board are complex in nature. In the best of circumstances, it would be challenging for the membership to benefit from the confidence of experience due to how few cases the Board hears (as compares to larger, busier communities). Therefore, it would be my recommendation that ongoing training be provided through Strafford Regional Planning and other sources to enhance the effectiveness of the critical Board which makes decisions with long-term impact to the community.


The Town is critically deficient in policy development. While the Board has made some progress in recent years, it has been an ongoing challenge to create the vast number of policies needed to safeguard from liability, remain financially stable, and provide consistent services to the residents.  Identified policies include: use of technology, social media, tele-work eligibility, full slate of financial management policies, and an update to the personnel policy. Policies ensure that employees understand the expectations of the Select Board and can be held accountable to those expectations. Without policy, expectations are vague and performance reviews cannot be meaningful.

Reserve Funds:

The Town consistently catalogs equipment and other capital items on the Capital Improvement Plan. Every year the Town seeks approval via the ballot to put money into the fund for future purchases. The State Department of Revenue Administration (DRA) has advised the Town that the fund and plan contain both equipment and capital items. The purpose of the Capital Improvement Fund could be clarified via Town Meeting which would reduce the likelihood of a warrant article being disallowed by DRA. Further, more funds could be created with clear purposes which would enhance transparency regarding the purpose of the funds. For example, we could have a building maintenance fund, vehicle replacement fund, and I would recommend a “Document Preservation Fund”. The document fund could be used to fund the ongoing need to address the increasing burden of paper management and information access problems at the Town Hall (see budget proposal narrative). It could also be managed by a committee which would advise the Select Board in how best to digitize paper processes to reduce the ongoing creation of paper files. Other communities manage document preservation in a similar manner and can be consulted as a model.

Hospital Payment:

The Town owes Wentworth Douglass Hospital a large sum which they agreed to allow the Town to pay over three years. Each payment is due in December and the first one would be due in 2021. The settlement letter is in the assessing folder on the Drive under Charitable>WDH.

Annual Internal Assessing Audit:

At least once every five years the Town is required by the State (DRA) to do an internal audit of all elderly exemptions and veteran credits. The veterans only need to verify that they still live that that address. The elderly exemptions need to verify income and asset qualifications as well as that they live at that address.

Hydro Lease:

The Town’s lease with Green Mountain Power (GMP) for the hydro plant on Front Street expires in the summer of 2022. The Town might consider engaging with an attorney to better understand the implications of any such lease. The current lease is just an extension of the original lease established decades ago with the first lease holder. That time frame will align with the relicensing of the plant through the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) which was undertaken by GMP on the Town’s behalf. The new license comes with planned costs for GMP which is likely to change the expected payment structure to the Town.

Shady Lane:

The back lot which was created by the Planning Board several years ago cannot be developed without going to the ZBA or upgrading Shady Lane to a Class V road. The details are on the plan. The owner has repeatedly tried to file a building permit for construction without following one of the two processes required on the plan.

Somersworth and Dover Utilities in Rollinsford:

For any municipality to extend (or further an extension) of utilities into another community requires the permission of the Select Board and likely requires the State Public Utility Permission. Dover went through this process recently to allow Wentworth Greenhouse to hook up to Dover water which was nearby. There is a property on Kelwyn Drive which will seek development and has not started a process.


Respectfully submitted,
Caroline Kendall
Town Administrator
September 17, 2021

Town Hall Business Procedure Update

In light of the continued prevalence of COVID-19 cases throughout New Hampshire, the Select Board has decided out of an abundance of care for our residents and staff to continue to limit public access to Town Hall until further notice. Town Hall staff will continue to be working in the building throughout the week and are available to assist residents over the phone, through e-mail, and via the drop box located through the front door. In the event you feel that your request requires face-to-face interaction, an appointment can be made with the appropriate staff member. Please choose from the list of staff members below. Keep in mind that masks and appropriate social distancing are required of residents making use of Town Hall during these times.

Contact the Town Clerk via email or (603) 742-2510 x. 314

Contact the Tax Collector via email (603) 742-2510 x. 309

Contact the Town Administrator via email or (603) 742-2510 x. 313

In preparing your vehicle registration materials for the drop box, please continue to use the vehicle registrations procedure page. Including a phone number and/or e-mail address will ensure the best and most timely service.

Select Board Meeting 3.23.20

The Select Board will be meeting on Monday, March 23rd at 6:30pm at the Town Hall.

We ask that those who are feeling unwell in any way not come to the Town Hall. Public seating will be in the hallway while the meeting takes place in the conference room. We apologize, but this is necessary to maintain proper social distancing. Those who would like to attend the meeting by phone are welcome to call 1 662-426-4694‬ and enter PIN: ‪776 315904‬# Please identify the mute button prior to calling and mute your phone until there is a public comment period. Then unmute your phone to comment.‬

We appreciate your patience as we try to adapt to new ways of carrying on essential functions during these extraordinary times. If you have any questions, please call the Town Office at 742-2510 or email

Town Administrator Announcement

The Select Board has been operating with less than optimal administrative support. This was validated by the report of the Ad Hoc Town Manager Committee which is viewable here.

Faced with the choice between a Town Manager and a Town Administrator, the Select Board decided that a Town Administrator was the best first-step for Rollinsford. A future Board could certainly advocate to change the form of government to a Town Manager but this Board felt that keeping the current form of government and adding an Administrator was more appropriate. This will keep more authority with the Select Board, easing Rollinsford into this change in administration.

Last night the Select Board took the historic step of appointing Caroline Kendall to the new position of Town Administrator. This was an action that took many months of deliberation. The Board has felt as though it was time, after years of conversation and bemoaning the lack of administrative support, to take this important step. This will not immediately solve any administrative support problems as it is only a change in title. The goal is, with the passing of the budget, to hire a part-time bookkeeper to assist Caroline and free her time to fulfill more Town Administrator duties.

Caroline has served on the School Board, Budget Committee, CIP Committee prior to her employment with the Town. She has also served on the Planning Board and is a Water and Sewer District Commissioner. This past December Caroline graduated summa cum laude from the University of New Hampshire with her Masters of Public Administration. The Board wanted to recognize that many of the functions Caroline has been filling are Town Administrator duties. With her job experience, prior board and committee experience and her education, we felt it was logically the next step in the progression of advancing administrative support for the Town.

Here is a link to the job description for this position. Note that it is long and very comprehensive. The Board addressed in our offer letter to Caroline that we fully understand that without additional support there are many functions that will continue to go unserved. However, we felt as though it is important for us all to recognize what this job should be and what we are striving to achieve.

Most employees who currently report directly to the Board will continue to do so. The only change in organizational structure is that the Building Inspector, Janitor, minute-takers and Bookkeeper (should that new position get approved) will report directly to Caroline.

We hope that you will embrace Caroline in this new position. This is a transition period and we are all learning as we go. The Board is committed to evaluating the situation as it evolves and hope that you all will offer Caroline your congratulations and support.