TOWN Deliberative Session – Saturday, February 1st, at 9:00 a.m., at the Rollinsford Grade School

SCHOOL Deliberative Session – Tuesday, February 4th, at 6:00 p.m., at the Rollinsford Grade School

A Deliberative Session is the first session of Town Meeting. In Rollinsford, one is held for the Town and one for the School. At these Deliberative Sessions, Warrant Articles are reviewed, discussed and potentially amended. Finalized Warrant Articles from these Deliberative Sessions will appear on the Town’s Official Ballot and the School’s Official Ballot to be voted on in March.

Official Ballot voting, the second session of Town Meeting, for the Town and the School, will be held on Tuesday, March 11, 2025 from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the American Legion Post 47 (Foundry Street).

Information on Warrant Articles and Proposed Budgets can be found on the Town’s website.


RWSD Survey

RWSD Level of Service Survey

The Rollinsford Water and Sewer District (RWSD) wants to hear your feedback! The RWSD is dedicated to providing reliable, safe, clean drinking water to our District members. While working to meet those needs, customer satisfaction is extremely important. Water/Sewer District Members are being asked to complete a level of service survey to share feedback on what the RWSD is doing well and where they can improve. The survey is anonymous and only takes a few minutes to complete.

Water and Sewer District Positions for Election

Declaration of Candidacy is available at the Water and Sewer District Office for the following positions:

  • One Commissioner for (3) three year term;
  • One Commissioner for (1) one year term;
  • One Treasurer for (1) one year term;
  • One Clerk for (1) one year term;

The filing period opens January 23, 2019 and closes February 1, 2019

Application can be found at the Water District Office at 5 Lower Mill Road, down past the Mills. 

The Water and Sewer District Office business hours: Tue through Fri 8-1 pm. If you have any questions, please call the office at 603.742.8124

Budget Committee Meeting 1.23.19

The Budget Committee will be meeting on Wednesday, January 23rdat 6:30pm at the Town Hall.

The Committee will discuss and vote on the Town operating budget, and Town warrant articles that have a financial component, and Rollinsford Water and Sewer Department warrant articles that have a financial component.

Meetings Next Week

The Recreation Committee will be meeting on Sunday, December 16, 2018 at 10:15am at the Black Bean Cafe. 

The Conservation Commission will be meeting Tuesday, December 18th at 6:30pm at the Rollinsford Public Library. 

The Historical Committee will be meeting Tuesday, December 18, 2018 at 7:00PM at the Town Hall. 

The Budget Committee will be meeting Wednesday, December 19th, 2018 at 6:30PM at the Town Hall. They will hear presentations from the following departments: 

  • Highway
  • Town
  • Town Clerk
  • Water and sewer

Budget Committee Meeting

The Budget Committee will meet Wednesday, August 2nd
at 6:30PM at the Town Hall.

Agenda items:

Second Quarter Budget Review for Town
End of Year Review for School
Second Quarter Budget Review for Water & Sewer District

The complete 2017-2018 budget committee schedule can be viewed here.