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Message from the School Board

Voting for school district warrant articles is tomorrow, Tuesday, March 11th. As you prepare to vote, please consider reviewing the attached school district Voter’s Guide, budget FAQs, and the district’s budget presentation for accurate information. These guides were created by the school district and include important facts about these warrant articles, and have been reviewed for accuracy by the business administrator and SAU 104 staff.

When reviewing information for voting or for your own knowledge, the board encourages you to use vetted and factual sources such as the district website (, the town’s website, or to reach out to your school board representatives, the SAU business administrator, and superintendent at the SAU56 office (603-692-4450).

Comprehensive district and budget information is available at, including the proposed Fiscal Year 2025-26 budget in full, which has been reviewed and recommended by both the school board and town budget committee. We hope you will find this information helpful as you review the warrant articles presented at tomorrow’s vote.

The board encourages everyone to vote this Tuesday, March 11th, 7am-7pm at the American Legion on Foundry Street.

Voter’s Guide

Budget FAQ’s

Budget Presentation