Salmon Falls River Eel Survey

As part of federal re-licensure of the hydroelectric dam in town, surveys will be conducted by environmental engineers beginning this week.

The work will consist of walking the short river reach below each dam and inspecting the downstream side of each dam, basically looking for eel activity.  Handheld flashlights will be used to help traverse the river reaches as well as spot eels in the water and on the dam face.   Surveys are expected to continue one night per week through the end of June.

Costs associated with the survey, and other re-licensure activities, are being paid by the operator of the hydroelectric dam, not the Town of Rollinsford.

Earth Day Clean-Up 4.22.18

The Conservation Commission would like to invite you to celebrate Earth Day by participating in trash pick-up in an effort to keep our community liter free.

When:  Sunday, April 22, 2018 at 9:00 a.m.

Where:  Meet at Garrison Players parking lot

Trash bags and rubber gloves will be provided

SELT Community Talk: Planned Harvest in Franklin-McElheny Preserve in Rollinsford/Dover

Change is Coming to the Franklin-McElheny Preserve

SELT, the Southeast Land Trust of New Hampshire, will be outlining our planned harvest and larger management goals for the Franklin-McElheny Preserve in Rollinsford and Dover.  SELT is planning to cut significant areas of the forest to address the infestation of an invasive insect (hemlock wooly adelgid) and to improve the quality and diversity of wildlife habitat on the property.  These changes will result in much of the mature forest becoming a young forest and shrub habitat and will at first appear dramatic and messy.  The management is anticipated to begin in late summer 2018.

 There are two goals for the evening.  First, SELT will explain our specific harvesting plans (including the amount of land to be harvested in patch cuts and shelterwood), the benefits of the planned harvest for forest health and wildlife, including New England cottontail, and our plans for the maintaining the trail system.  Second, our goal is to listen to your concerns so we can consider them as we prepare for the implementation of the management plan.

The event will be held on Monday, April 9, 2018 at 7 pm at the Garrison Players Arts Center, 449 Roberts Road, Rollinsford

Volunteers Needed: Scoutland Project

Volunteers needed!!!
Help save Scoutland from Invasive Plant Species

Join the Rollinsford Conservation Committee in removing these invaders under the direction of professionals.

To help, meet us at the Scoutland trail head by the oil recycling facility at the end of Greenview Drive

at 8:30 am on Tuesday, October 31 

(rain date Wednesday, November 1, 2017)

Wear your blaze orange for safety.

Turcotte Field Work October 19th

A company called Forest Savers from Vermont will be cleaning up the edges of the Turcotte Field on Wednesday Oct. 19th. They will be grinding the small stumps left over from the forest harvest that we had done last winter. They will also be cutting and grinding the brush and the invasive plants around the field. There is also a small patch of woods in the field that they will remove.

The Conservation Commission is trying to preserve the field to the way it was in the past when the Stockdale family was farming in the town of Rollinsford.

Any one walking or riding out there on this day should be very careful because the machinery will be very noisy and the operators may not have very good visibility.

Conservation Commission Workshop

Deborah Goard (SELTNH) and Andy Fast (County Extension) and some members of the Rollinsford Conservation Commission will be having a post-harvest workshop/walk in Scoutland on Friday, October 14, 2016 at 1-4pm. They will be starting at the parking area on top of the hill at the end of Water St. just after the Colonel Paul Wentworth House.This workshop/walk is open to the public and anyone interested in attending should meet at the parking area at the end of Water Street at 1pm. 






Proposed Sale of Property in South Berwick

The Select Board proposes to sell to Lawrence Fogarty of South Berwick, Maine a 0.56 acre portion of the parcel of land located in South Berwick, Maine, across the Salmon Falls River, next to the Town hydroelectric plant.  The land in question is not required to operate the hydroelectric plant and has no impact on the FERC operating license.

According to RSA 41:14-a, a process authorized by the March 2016 town meeting, the proposed sale requires the review of the Planning Board and the Conservation Commission followed by two public hearings, scheduled as follows:

Tuesday, September 6, 7:00 pm:  PLANNING BOARD Review/Recommendation

Thursday, September 8, 6:30 pm:  CONSERVATION COMMISSION  Review/Recommendation

Monday, September 12, 6:00 pm:  PUBLIC HEARING #1

Monday, September 26, 6:00 pm:  PUBLIC HEARING #2

Monday, October 3:  SELECT BOARD vote (as part of regular meeting)

All meetings/public hearings will be held at the Town Hall