The regularly scheduled meeting of the Rollinsford Planning Board, to have been held on March 5, 2019 has been POSTPONED until April 2, 2019.
The regularly scheduled meeting of the Rollinsford Planning Board, to have been held on March 5, 2019 has been POSTPONED until April 2, 2019.
Towns provide many functions. Some of them are more visible to residents than others. Some are required and others are more discretionary. Some of the functions are provided by volunteers. Rollinsford needs more volunteers. Many of the appointments to the boards and committees are expiring in March. We will be voting to fill some of them. Others are appointed by the Select Board right after Town Meeting. Thank you to all of the people who dedicated their time in service to our community this past year. The following are boards and committees on which volunteers serve. Please read the brief excerpts about them and consider offering your name to be considered for appointment. Each has its own level of commitment which often is not very much time per month. Come meet more of your neighbors!
Planning Board
Meets the first Tuesday of every month at 7:00pm. This is an essential function we must offer to property owners wishing to subdivide or develop their property, start or expand a business or change the use of a property, for example. There is typically no outside work required and meetings are typically not more than two hours. Members should become familiar with the Zoning Ordinance and other planning regulations. There are two vacancies for full-memberships and one alternate position open.
Zoning Board of Adjustment
Meets at the call of the Chairperson when there is a case to be heard (typically 3-5 times per year). This is an essential function we must offer to property owners who feel aggrieved by a land use decision made by the Planning Board, Town or planning regulations. It is a quasi-judicial body.
Conservation Commission
The group manages the conservation land along the Salmon Falls River known as Scoutland, the area beyond the community garden on Foundry Street, and discusses topics important to our natural environment. Some development requires a review by the Conservation Commission and their opinions can inform planning regulations.
Space Needs Committee
This committee worked hard for two years to determine a location for the police department. It was their recommendation to build a new facility to include the town office on Silver Street. This option was not put on the ballot this year. The Select Board will create a new charge for this group to address questions about the condition of the town hall and cost to renovate, locations for a potential police station and other ways we could potentially move forward to meet the needs of the Police Department.
Recreation Committee
These volunteers are the super heroes who recreated the summer recreation program which would otherwise have been discontinued just a few years ago. Recreation could not function without this group. They also manage the youth basketball program and are exploring options for senior programming.
Highway Safety Committee
This group only meets when there is a topic for discussion. They meet to discuss matters of public safety including, but not limited to traffic concerns. They make recommendations to the Select Board regarding roadways, when appropriate.
Stormwater Committee
This committee is necessary for keeping the Town compliant with our MS-4 permit which allows us to discharge stormwaterinto the Salmon Falls River. This is a federal permit which obligates the Town to engage in public outreach and public engagement regarding public activities which pollute waterways as well as water testing and data compilation.
Energy Committee
There are many ways in which the Town could save money with renewable energy. The specific charge of the committee has not yet been created but we know we could change street lights to LED’s or install solar panels on town buildings for example. The Select Board cannot make decisions without people presenting options and associated costs.
Historical Committee
We live in a small town with a lot of history. This group meets monthly to discuss topics of historical significance to Rollinsford and the Salmon Falls region. You don’t have to be an expert on local history to join, just interested in learning, sharing, and preserving the fascinating stories of our town. This group is flexible in making the most of each member’s strengths and interests and setting meetings to work for all members. They provide educational programs, history hikes (2 a year), and in 2019, plan to take on the first (modest!) restoration project, so handy people are especially welcome!
The Planning Board is postponing the January meeting. There is no meeting Tuesday, January 1st.
The Planning Board will meet Tuesday, January 8th.
The Planning Board will meet on Tuesday, November 13 at the Rollinsford Town Hall at 7PM.
The agenda for the meeting can be viewed here.
The Town of Rollinsford has several important boards, commissions and committees peopled by interested and engaged volunteers who wish to serve the community. If you are interested in volunteering, or would like to learn more about one of the groups listed below please call the Select Board’s Administrative Assistant at 603-742-2510.
Open positions:
Planning Board Alternate
Energy Committee
Historical Committee
Recreation Committee
The Planning Board will meet on Tuesday, October 2, at the Town Hall beginning at 7pm.
There is currently an opening for an alternate position. If interested please drop off a letter of interest at the Town Hall or email [email protected]
The Planning Board is changing the date of the July meeting from the first Tuesday of the month to the second Tuesday of the month because of the holiday. The meeting will be Tuesday, July 10th at 7:00pm at the Rollinsford Town Hall.
Notice is hereby given in accordance with RSA 676:4 that an application for a LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT in which Madeline and William Cambo, 195 Clement Road propose to eliminate Tax Map 1, Lot 46 1-2; expand Tax Map 1, Lot 46-1 by .6 acres and Tax Map 1, Lot 46-3, owned by Mark and Suzanne Wentworth, 115 Goodwin Road, by 1.84 acres will be submitted to the Planning Board on June 5, 2018 at 7:00pm at the Rollinsford Town Hall during a regular meeting of the Board.
Upon a finding by the Board that the application meets the regulation requirements of the Rollinsford Subdivision Regulations, the Board will vote to approve the application. Should the application not be approved, another submission meeting will be scheduled.
Copies of the proposed plan are available at the Rollinsford Town Hall.
Per order of the Rollinsford Planning Board
Myles England, Rollinsford Planning Board Chair