Town Completes Work on Grant to Develop Stormwater Regulations

In the summer of 2015, the town received a $6,500 grant from the Piscataqua Region Estuaries Partnership (PREP) to propose stormwater regulations for development and redevelopment.   The committee was formed later that fall and worked throughout 2016 to complete a proposed draft, based upon model stormwater regulations developed by the Southeast Watershed Alliance.  Here is the final report submitted to PREP and the draft stormwater regulations.    The draft is now in the hands of the Planning Board who will take the next steps to review and act upon the regulations.

Committee members were Pat McLin (Planning Board), Mike Lapoint (Water District Commission), Mike Rollo (Select Board), and John Krebs, the town’s planning consultant.  Liz Durfee from the Strafford Regional Planning Commission served as the project manager/consultant.   The Select Board is grateful to the committee for their time and effort, to Liz Durfee who guided us through our paces and kept us on target and to John Krebs who generously donated his time to the grant.

The Town of Rollinsford is an MS4 stormwater permittee requiring the town to manage its stormwater runoff responsibly.

Notice of Public Hearing: Planning Board




OCTOBER 4, 2016

The Rollinsford Planning Board will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on Tuesday, October 4th, 2016 at 7:00PM at the Rollinsford Town Hall to take Public Comment on a Subdivision Application submitted by Arthur Gagnon dba Diversified Builders of 188 Blackwater Road in Somersworth, NH.

The application is for a submitted plan to subdivide Tap Map 1, Lot 43-1 into five (5) lots containing eight (8) units. As proposed, an existing structure will remain on Tax Map 1, Lot 43-1 and new lots Tax Map 1, Lots 43-2, 43-3, 43-4, 43-5 will be created.

Copies of the proposed plans are available for review at the Rollinsford Town Offices.

Respectfully Submitted,

Patrick J. McLin


Rollinsford Planning Board




Proposed Sale of Property in South Berwick

The Select Board proposes to sell to Lawrence Fogarty of South Berwick, Maine a 0.56 acre portion of the parcel of land located in South Berwick, Maine, across the Salmon Falls River, next to the Town hydroelectric plant.  The land in question is not required to operate the hydroelectric plant and has no impact on the FERC operating license.

According to RSA 41:14-a, a process authorized by the March 2016 town meeting, the proposed sale requires the review of the Planning Board and the Conservation Commission followed by two public hearings, scheduled as follows:

Tuesday, September 6, 7:00 pm:  PLANNING BOARD Review/Recommendation

Thursday, September 8, 6:30 pm:  CONSERVATION COMMISSION  Review/Recommendation

Monday, September 12, 6:00 pm:  PUBLIC HEARING #1

Monday, September 26, 6:00 pm:  PUBLIC HEARING #2

Monday, October 3:  SELECT BOARD vote (as part of regular meeting)

All meetings/public hearings will be held at the Town Hall



The Planning Board is seeking candidates to fill an opening for an alternate. If interested, please submit your name and contact information via email or in person at the Town Hall by September 9th. Please include why you are interested in the position and any relevant experience or education you may have.

8/2/16 Planning Board Agenda

August 2, 2016
Rollinsford Town Hall
7:00 p.m.

Request to Continue Application: To act on a Continuance Request for a Subdivision Application submitted by Jason Lavoie involving property at Tax Map 1, Lot 16 located at 110 Rollins Road in Rollinsford NH for a period of 65 Days.

Discussion: To discuss a request to relieve Paul Integrity Automotive, on the corner of Church and Main Street, from a site plan condition imposed in January for a fence to screen the east side of the property from Church Street.

Preliminary Consultation: To discuss a potential 2 Lot Subdivision submitted by Arthur Gagnon (DBA Diversified Builders) on Clement Road involving Tax Map 1 Lot 43-1.

1. September Meeting date – Request from SRPC to move for Storm Water Discussion
2. Resignation – Dave Nyland
3. Forward a recommendation to the Select Board for a replacement of Dave Nyland
4. Approval of Minutes
5. Correspondences
6. Any other business that may come before the board.

Next regular meeting: Tuesday Sept 6th 2016 at Rollinsford Town Hall