Proposed Sale of Property in South Berwick

The Select Board proposes to sell to Lawrence Fogarty of South Berwick, Maine a 0.56 acre portion of the parcel of land located in South Berwick, Maine, across the Salmon Falls River, next to the Town hydroelectric plant.  The land in question is not required to operate the hydroelectric plant and has no impact on the FERC operating license.

According to RSA 41:14-a, a process authorized by the March 2016 town meeting, the proposed sale requires the review of the Planning Board and the Conservation Commission followed by two public hearings, scheduled as follows:

Tuesday, September 6, 7:00 pm:  PLANNING BOARD Review/Recommendation

Thursday, September 8, 6:30 pm:  CONSERVATION COMMISSION  Review/Recommendation

Monday, September 12, 6:00 pm:  PUBLIC HEARING #1

Monday, September 26, 6:00 pm:  PUBLIC HEARING #2

Monday, October 3:  SELECT BOARD vote (as part of regular meeting)

All meetings/public hearings will be held at the Town Hall


Political Advertising & Signage

State primaries and national/state elections will be fast upon us. In light of that, the Select Board would like to remind residents that, per RSA 664:17, no political advertising shall be placed on, or affixed to, any public property including highway rights-of-way; nor shall they be placed on private property without the owner’s consent. The town reserves the right to remove such signs on public property.

The full statute is as follows:

664:17 Placement and Removal of Political Advertising. No political advertising shall be placed on or affixed to any public property including highway rights-of-way or private property without the owner’s consent. All political advertising shall be removed by the candidate no later than the second Friday following the election unless the election is a primary and the advertising concerns a candidate who is a winner in the primary. Signs shall not be placed on or affixed to utility poles or highway signs. Political advertising may be placed within state-owned rights-of-way as long as the advertising does not obstruct the safe flow of traffic and the advertising is placed with the consent of the owner of the land over which the right-of-way passes. No person shall remove, deface, or knowingly destroy any political advertising which is placed on or affixed to public property or any private property except for removal by the owner of the property, persons authorized by the owner of the property, or a law enforcement officer removing improper advertising. Political advertising placed on or affixed to any public property may be removed by state, city, or town maintenance or law enforcement personnel. Political advertising removed prior to election day by state, city, or town maintenance or law enforcement personnel shall be kept until one week after the election at a place designated by the state, city or town so that the candidate may retrieve the items.

Salary Review Committee Meeting

The 2016 Salary Review Committee will hold its first meeting on Wednesday, June 15 at 6:30 pm at  Town Hall.  The members of this year’s committee are:  Myles England, Denise Knowles and Sheila Reilly.   Select Board member Suzanne Huard will be there to review the Select Board’s charge to the committee and potential sources for comparative data.   The committee has been asked to review the stipends of elected officials with particular attention to the position of Town Clerk.

Public Hearing: Disposal of Domestic Animal Waste



June 20, 2016
6:00 pm
Town Hall

Transfer Station Ordinance:  Disposal of Domestic Animal Waste
In the past few years the transfer station has experienced some unfortunate incidents associated with the disposal of domestic animal waste in the trash compactor.  In order to safeguard public health and well-being, the Select Board is proposing the following amendment to the transfer station ordinance (93-1).  The amendment clarifies that only domestic animal waste is allowed in the compactor and only as part of a bag of solid waste.  No singular containers of domestic animal waste, capped or uncapped, can be disposed of in the trash compactor.
Proposed amendment to Ordinance 93-1
Ordinance 93-1, Section II.  General Use, A. Acceptable Materials:

Solid Waste Placed in the Compactor

    1. All household non-recyclable, non-hazardous waste will be placed in the compactor to be taken to Waste Management Turnkey Landfill in Rochester, NH.
    2. The disposal of animal waste shall be limited to domesticated, household pets and must be properly contained within a bag with other household waste. Waste that is not properly contained will not be accepted.   Disposing of a singular container of animal waste, either capped or uncapped, will be considered a violation.

The entire ordinance can be found online or at Town Hall.

Grant Awarded for Stormwater Management

The Select Board is pleased to announce that the Piscataqua Region Estuaries Partnership (PREP) has awarded the town a grant of $6,500 to assess its stormwater management standards and adopt model stormwater regulations (via public hearings and ballot votes).

The town has been identified as an MS4 regulated community which requires the town to come into compliance with US EPA stormwater management standards;  these are most commonly implemented by municipalities through zoning or regulations, requiring public hearings and ballot votes.

The Select Board will be acquiring the services of a consulting engineer to help guide this project.  We expect to conduct a public hearing this fall to introduce the town to the issues associated with the EPA stormwater management requirements.