Town Administrator Resignation

Caroline Kendall is resigning as the Town Administrator for the Town of Rollinsford effective September 17thand has issued the following statement:

“It has been an honor and pleasure to serve the residents of the Town of Rollinsford for the past seven and a half years, the last two and a half as the first Town Administrator. I appreciate the opportunities afforded me in this position to learn, grow, and work with such wonderful people. It has been a pleasure getting to know you all. Thank you all for your part in enriching this experience for me as you have.”

The Select Board will be addressing the vacancy at an upcoming meeting.

As always, you may reach the Select Board by emailing them at [email protected] or at a Select Board meeting scheduled for most Monday nights. A link to the public calendar can be found here.

Change in Meeting Location

The State of Emergency due to the Coronavirus pandemic is set to expire June 11th. It expires every 3 weeks and the Governor has extended it every time for over a year now. This time it is likely the State of Emergency, which authorizes the Town to meet virtually, will not be extended. Therefore, we are planning for meetings to be held again in person starting on June 12th.

Meeting information is posted at the Town Hall, Post Office and on the Town website. From the homepage scroll down and click on “calendar” to see the meetings and links to those that are still virtual.

Restrictions on Outside Water Use

The Town has not lifted the water restriction imposed last year due to the drought. While the water table has improved some, the State Department of Environmental Services is still encouraging restrictions because the weather forecast looks drier than normal as well as warmer than usual (which promotes dryness). Therefore, there continues to be no residential lawn watering in Town. Fees may be imposed for non-compliance.

If you receive a water bill from the Rollinsford Water Sewer District, you are subject to a stricter water use restriction. Details can be found here:

For more information about drought conditions in Strafford County visit:

Town Reports Are Available – See New Version Online

The Town Report is now available for pick up at the Town Office. Copies will be made available at the Deliberative Session. If you have already picked up a Town Report, please know that a correction has been made to the budget. The new budget document can be found on the Town website HERE.

If you have reviewed the Town Report online, it has been corrected to reflect the accurate version of the budget. You can see the CORRECTED TOWN REPORT HERE.

We apologize for the confusion. The correct version of the proposed budget matches the warrant the total of which should read: $2,464,122.

Let’s Vote Safely!

The Deliberative Session is coming up this Thursday and starts at 6:00pm at the American Legion. Masks are required and seats will be spaced in a socially distant manner. If you choose to stand, be sure to keep your distance from others.

We look forward to seeing you all on Thursday to discuss what we will be voting on in June. This is your opportunity to hear your neighbors’ thoughts, let others know how you feel about topics, and potentially vote to change (or not change!) text that will be on the ballot.

Town Report materials are available on the Town’s website. Town Reports will be printed for the Deliberative Session, limited to one per household.

See you all on Thursday!

Mask Mandate Continues for Town Facilities

The Governor announced last week that the state-wide mask mandate would expire, Friday, April 16, 2021. However, the Town policy that requires mask use inside Town facilities remains in effect. So please wear a mask when you visit the Town Hall, Transfer Station, or any other town facility.

The State of Emergency is still in effect. Therefore, Town boards and committees will continue to meet remotely for now.

The Select Board continues to monitor the situation and we let you know when operations change. Until then, we hope you continue to take measures to keep yourself and others safe.

Town of Rollinsford All-Hazards Mitigation Planning Update 4.29.21

Public Announcement

Town of Rollinsford All-Hazards Mitigation Planning Update

Strafford Regional Planning Commission is continuing to update Rollinsford’s All-Hazard Mitigation Plan and the third meeting with the Hazard Mitigation Planning Committee has been scheduled for Thursday, April 29th from 11:30AM-1:30PM. This meeting will be held virtually (see link below). The third meeting will include: a review of draft meeting notes and existing mitigation actions, an update to the vulnerability assessment tool, identifying locations of past hazards, and brainstorming new mitigation actions.

All citizens, businesses, municipal officials, and interested parties from Rollinsford and other neighboring communities are welcome to attend the meeting. This update of the 2016 Plan is funded by FEMA under contract to Strafford Regional Planning Commission and is a collaborative planning process with the Town. If you are unavailable to attend, please forward any ideas or concerns via email to Kyle Pimental, Principal Planner, Strafford Regional Planning Commission or by phone at 603-994-3500


This update of the 2016 Plan is funded by FEMA under contract to Strafford Regional Planning Commission and is a collaborative planning process with the Town.