The filing period for both town and school district positions closes Friday, February 2, 2023.

The Town Clerk’s office will be open 8-1. Prospective candidates may also declare their candidacy at Town Hall from 3:00 to 5:00pm on Friday, February 3, 2023. 

The School District Office will be open Friday from 8am – 4pm for filing for school positions. School candidacy forms are also available from the Town Clerk.

Open Town Positions

One Select Board Member and Overseer of the Poor for a three-year term
One Town Treasurer for a one-year term
Three Members of the Budget Committee for three-year terms each
One Trustee of the Trust Funds for a three-year term
One Trustee of the Library Trust for a three-year term
One Trustee of the Cemetery Trust for a three-year term

Open School Positions

School District Moderator- One Year
School District Clerk- One Year
School District Treasurer- One Year
School Board Members-Two (2) Three Year