There will be a
Select Board Meeting
Wednesday, June 27, at 6:00 pm
At the Town Hall.
There will be a
Select Board Meeting
Wednesday, June 27, at 6:00 pm
At the Town Hall.
The Select Board will meet on
Tuesday, May 29that 6:30 pm
The Board will be meeting with the Ad hoc Town Manager Committee, approve Certificates of Occupancy and conduct any other business that comes before the Board.
There will be a meeting of the
Stormwater Committee
On Wednesday, May 30that 6:30pm
Both meetings will be at the Town Hall
The Zoning Board of Adjustment has openings. If interested, please let the Select Board know by sending an email. For questions about the ZBA, email the Assistant to the Select Board.
FOR SALE: 2009 Volvo truck from Lamprey Regional Waste Cooperative. Bids due May 1. More information and bid document located here.
To: Residents of the Town of Rollinsford
From: Select Board
Date: March 20, 2018
Call for Volunteers
The Town of Rollinsford has several important boards, commission and committees peopled by interested and engaged volunteers who wish to serve the community. If you are itching to become an interested and engaged public servant, please consider volunteering for one of the groups listed below by sending an email or by calling town hall. (An asterisk signifies that there are no openings today but if you are interested we’d still like to hear from you so that we can keep you name on file).
If you would like to know more about a particular group, feel free to contact a Board member or our administrative assistant.
Please let us know by Monday, March 26th. We look forward to hearing from you!
Commissions, Boards and Committees of the Town of Rollinsford
Ad Hoc Committee to Study Town Manager (authorized at Town Meeting)
Capital Improvement Plan Committee
Conservation Commission
Planning Board
Zoning Board of Adjustment
Strafford Regional Planning Commission
*Highway Safety Committee
*Historical Committee
*Recreation Committee
*Stormwater Committee
ROLLINSFORD – The 8th Annual Meet-the-Candidates Night will be held from 6-7:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 6 at the Rollinsford Public Library, Lower Mill, 3 Front St.
This event is an opportunity to meet the candidates for town and school office before the election on Tuesday, March 13, and hear how they’re planning to make an impact on the community.
Candidates for town office include:
• Select Board: Denise Knowles
• Town Moderator: Charles Putnam
• Supervisor of the Checklist: Angela Matthews
• Town Clerk: Kate Nesman
• Town Treasurer: Verne Crosier
• Fire Chief: Mark Rutherford
• Budget Committee (three 3-year positions): Jodi Lavoie-Carnes, Paul Cass, Verne Crosier, Edmund Jansen, Dee Neathawk, Jonathan Ordway
• Trustee of the Trust Funds: Salme Perry
• Trustee of the Library (2): Emily Quirk, Tamara Niedzolkowski
• Trustee of the Cemetery: Marc Couture
Candidates for school office include:
• School District Moderator: Charles Putnam
• School District Treasurer: Judy Barry, Suzanne Mountain
• School District Clerk: Coire T. Jones
• School Board (2 positions): Brent G. Roets, Tom Kunz, Emily Leach
This event is an open house format. Residents are welcome to engage with candidates and ask questions that will inform their decision on voting day. Refreshments will be served. For more information, please email [email protected] or call (603) 516-2665.
The Select Board will be having a meeting on Tuesday night, February 20th following the public hearing on the petition warrant article (SB2).
The meeting will start with non-public legal and be followed by other business.
The proposed Housing Standards ordinance was accepted by the Select Board on February 12, 2018 and placed on the 2018 Town Warrant, Article 13.
It will not become law until/unless it is passed by the legislative body at Town Meeting.
The town is in the process of compiling documents for the town’s annual report and annual town meeting and has created an online site for you to review documents as they become available. Many of these will be printed in the annual report; some will be available only online (or via request at town hall).
If you are interested, please check back in over the next couple of weeks. Upcoming documents: town warrant (after the Board meeting of 2/12/18), the Select Board’s annual report and a voters’ guide.