Select Board Meeting Date Change and Hybrid Option

The Select Board meeting scheduled for tonight, Monday, August 23, 2021 has been rescheduled to Wednesday, August 25th still at 6:30pm.

The Select Board is now offering a hybrid approach to meetings so people can listen to meetings and speak during public comment periods. Links to meetings are available through the calendar on the Town website. NOTE: Unlike previously when meetings were held remotely, meetings now must be held in person at the Town Hall. In case of a failure of technology or other inability to meet remotely, the in-person meeting will continue.

For your convenience, the remote meeting information for Wednesday night is listed below:


Phone: 1 929 205 6099 US

Meeting ID: 886 1266 6890


Myles England has resigned from the Select Board effective August 20th referencing increased demands from his primary job. The Select Board wishes Myles all the best and thanks him for his service to the Town.

This resignation creates an opening on the 3-member Board which governs the operations of the Town. The remaining two Board members have the authority to appoint a third member who would serve until the next Town Meeting in March, 2022.

The Select Board meets on Monday nights at 6:30pm every other week. Sometimes off-week meetings are scheduled when needed. Select Board members also serve as ex-officio members on other boards and committees.

If interested in being considered for appointment, please send the Select Board a letter of interest indicating why you are interested in serving and any applicable experience or expertise you would bring to the Board.

Please direct letters of interest:

By email to: [email protected]

By mail or drop off at the Town Office at: 667 Main Street, PO Box 309

Questions may be directed to the email address above, at the Town Office, or by phone:

742-2510 x313

Public Hearing 8.24.21: Parking

The Select Board will be holding a public hearing to hear from residents about a proposed change to Ordinance 75-01 regulating parking.

Section #3 describing the no-parking area on Main Street would be changed to include the additional language noted in red:

“From Front Street to a point 15’ west of the Prospect Street intersection except that compact cars may park directly in front of 619, 621, 629 and 631 Main Street. A compact car is defined as a vehicle that fits between the road and the sidewalk such that it is parked entirely off the road without touching the sidewalk.”

The public hearing is at the Town Hall on Tuesday, August 24th at 6:30pm. Those who are unable to attend are welcome to submit comments in writing at Town Hall or via email.

Upcoming Meetings 6/7 – 6/15

Conservation Commission Meeting: Monday, June 7 at 6pm

(The public is welcome to join the meeting by following THIS LINK or by calling 1-929-205-6099, Meeting ID 927 7064 6271)

Select Board Non-Public Meeting: Monday, June 7 at the Rollinsford Town Hall

Select Board Meeting: Monday, June 14 at 6pm at the Rollinsford Town Hall

Stormwater Committee Meeting: June 15 at 6:30pm at the Rollinsford Town Hall

Upcoming Meetings May/June 2021

 Upcoming Meetings 

Select Board Meeting, Monday, May 17 at 6pm (The public is welcome to join the meeting by following this link or by calling 1-929-205-6099, Meeting ID 994 9536 4441, Passcode 990611) 

Rec Committee Meeting, Thursday, May 20 at 6:30pm (The public is welcome to join the meeting by following this link or by calling 1-929-205-6099, Meeting ID 957 3131 2222, Passcode 688878) 

ZBA Meeting, Thursday, May 27 at 7pm (The public is welcome to join the meeting by following this link  or by calling 1-929-205-6099, Meeting ID 933 3211 0399, Passcode 841839)(CANCELLED)

Planning Board, Tuesday, June 1 at 7pm (The public is welcome to join the meeting by following this link or by calling 1-929-205-6099, Meeting ID 988 4389 5900, Passcode 250770) 

Select Board Meeting, Wednesday, June 2 at 6pm (The public is welcome to join the meeting by following this link or by calling 1-929-205-6099, Meeting ID 994 9536 4441, Passcode 990611) 

Select Board Public Hearings 5.10.21

The Select Board will be holding two public hearings on Monday, May 10th starting at 6:00pm.

The first public hearing will address Ordinance 75-01 addressing the extension of the no-parking area on the southern side of Main Street up to Prospect Street. Please inform all residents of your property.

The second public hearing will commence immediately following the first public hearing. At that time the Select Board will hear from residents regarding the potential use of the right-of-way located between properties located on map 4 lot 37-16 and map 4 lot 37-17 located on River Road.

There is no physical location for the meeting. The meeting will be held via Zoom at THIS LINK

Or, by dialing: 1 929 205 6099

Meeting ID: 988 7526 9231

Upcoming Meetings April 2021

Select Board Meeting, Monday, April 19 at 6pm (The public is welcome to join the meeting by following this link  or by calling 1-929-205-6099, Meeting ID 994 9536 4441, Passcode 990611) 

Budget Committee, Wednesday, April 21 at 6:30pm (The public is welcome to join the meeting by following this link  or by calling 1-929-205-6099, Meeting ID 940 5434 9472) 

ZBA Meeting, Thursday, April 22 at 7pm (The public is welcome to join the meeting by following this link or by calling 1-929-205-6099, Meeting ID: 933 3211 0399, Passcode: 841839) 

Select Board Meeting, Monday, May 3 at 6pm (The public is welcome to join the meeting by following this link or by calling 1-929-205-6099, Meeting ID 994 9536 4441, Passcode 990611)