Myles England has resigned from the Select Board effective August 20th referencing increased demands from his primary job. The Select Board wishes Myles all the best and thanks him for his service to the Town.
This resignation creates an opening on the 3-member Board which governs the operations of the Town. The remaining two Board members have the authority to appoint a third member who would serve until the next Town Meeting in March, 2022.
The Select Board meets on Monday nights at 6:30pm every other week. Sometimes off-week meetings are scheduled when needed. Select Board members also serve as ex-officio members on other boards and committees.
If interested in being considered for appointment, please send the Select Board a letter of interest indicating why you are interested in serving and any applicable experience or expertise you would bring to the Board.
Please direct letters of interest:
By email to: [email protected]
By mail or drop off at the Town Office at: 667 Main Street, PO Box 309
Questions may be directed to the email address above, at the Town Office, or by phone:
742-2510 x313