The Fire Department Association will host a pancake breakfast fundraiser tomorrow, Saturday, February 4th from 7AM-10AM at the Rollinsford Fire Station.
The Fire Department Association will host a pancake breakfast fundraiser tomorrow, Saturday, February 4th from 7AM-10AM at the Rollinsford Fire Station.
Declaration of Candidacy is available at Town Office for the following positions:
The filing period opens January 25, 2017 and closes February 3, 2017
Town Office business hours: Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri 9-1 and Thurs 3-7pm
Special Sign-up Session will be held: Friday, February 3, 2017 from 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Saturday, January 21, 2017, 9:00 am
Rollinsford Grade School Gymnasium
Locust Street, Rollinsford, NH
2017 Proposed Bond Warrant Articles
The Select Board will hold Public Hearings pursuant to NH RSA 33:8-a,I on Saturday, January 21, 2017 commencing at 9:00 a.m. at the Rollinsford Grade School Gymnasium, Locust Street, Rollinsford, in order to receive public comments on the following proposed bond issues:
1. A bond issue in the approximate amount of $450,000 to purchase a new fire engine.
2. A bond issue in the approximate amount of $385,000 to finance culvert repairs.
3. A bond issue in the approximate amount of $190,000 for repairs and improvements to the transfer station
The Rollinsford Fire Department Association will be hosting a pancake breakfast fundraiser on Saturday, January 7th from 7AM – 10AM.
The Fire Department Association will be hosting a pancake breakfast fundraiser this Saturday, 12/3/16 from 7am-10am at the Rollinsford Fire Station.
The Rollinsford Fire Department wants to make sure all the families in town in need of toys this Christmas are served. If you are a family in need or know a family in need, please call the fire department and leave a message (603)742-2803 or email [email protected]. Deadline is 12/16.
Anyone wishing to donate toys or money for purchasing toys can bring them to the station on a Monday evening between 6 and 9 PM or email [email protected] to make arrangements.