NHDOT Prepares to Resurface Roads

NHDOT has notified the town of two upcoming projects:

Continental Paving, Inc. will be working on Rollins Road/ Silver Street for 1.8 miles beginning at Goodwin Road easterly to the intersection of Main Street. The work will begin on 9/28 and continue until completion.

Continental Paving, Inc. will be working on Main Street/Front Street for 1.0 miles starting at the intersection of Silver Street, easterly to the State Line. The work will begin on 9/28 and continue until completion.

Click here to view to official notice and for additional information.

Select Board Announces 10 Year Road Plan

The Select Board and Road Agent Jeff St. Jean have been working with the Strafford Regional Planning Commission to pilot the Road Surface Management Systems (RSMS) developed by UNH’s Technology Transfer Center. A ten-year road plan (draft) was reviewed by the board and we are now ready to share this draft with the public.

The Select Board will host a public information session on the road plan on October 27, 6:30 pm in town hall.

The plan is available on the town website.