Trick or Treat is scheduled for Wednesday, October 30th, 6 pm-8 pm.
Trick or Treat is scheduled for Wednesday, October 30th, 6 pm-8 pm.
The Town of Rollinsford is now being targeted for burglaries. In two weeks there have been 3: Rollins Road, Somersworth Road, & Beccaris Drive. Additionally we have received 2 reports of someone going to a home late at night, ringing the doorbell and then fleeing: Somersworth Road and Heritage Drive.
We have been diligent in stopping people and vehicles who appear to be out of place. We ask that you report ANY unusual activity to us immediately.
If you have a home surveillance system and have video of anything unusual around your home or the road in front of your home, we ask that you forward it to Chief Robert Ducharme at [email protected].
Thank you.
Due to several unusual night time incidents and one burglary of a business we are reminding everyone to always lock your vehicle doors and home doors and to report ANYTHING out of the ordinary to the PD as soon as possible.
The next meeting of the Rollinsford Highway Safety Committee will be
Thursday, September 5th at 6 pm at the Town Hall.
Pan Am railroad has requested we notify residents that the dumping of grass clippings and tree debris on their property is strictly prohibited and their property is posted with no trespassing signs. Some residents of Stockdale Circle and Main Street are responsible. The railroad has instructed us to increase our enforcement of the posted property. Be aware !!
The next meeting of the Rollinsford Highway Safety Committee is Tuesday, July 30, at 6:30 pm at the Town Hall. Please attend if you have any concerns about traffic or roadway related safety issues.
The Rollinsford Police Annual NH Fisher Cats vs. Portland Seadogs trip is scheduled for Saturday, August 17, in Manchester. The tickets are FREE. The tickets include entry to the game, transportation to and from the game, a meal package, and a baseball cap. The tickets are limited so reserve your tickets now by emailing Chief Ducharme or by calling 742-8549, ext 303.
The Select Board is seeking volunteers from the community to serve on the space needs committee.
As you may recall, a proposal was brought forth to construct a police station with town offices on Silver Street. That proposal was not placed on to the ballot because the public and Select Board felt there were a number of unanswered questions that needed to be addressed. The reinstatement of the Space Needs Committee is an effort to find as many answers to those questions as possible. The charge of the Committee can be found here or at the Town office.
The Highway Safety Committee meeting scheduled for Wednesday, June 26
has been cancelled. A July meeting will be posted at a later date.
If you are planning on having a fireworks display for the Fourth of July holiday, you need to complete an Application for Fireworks Permit within the next few days. Town Ordinance 10-03 requires a Fireworks Permit be issued by the Fire Department prior to the display of the fireworks and the FD needs 15 days to process the application. Applications may be picked up at the fire department of police department.