School Board Meeting

 The March School Board meeting is scheduled for March 16, 2017 at 6:30pm at RGS.
This meeting was re-scheduled from March 9 in order to seat the newly elected board members and select officers and committee representatives in a timely manner.

School Board Meeting POSTPONED

The School Board meeting scheduled for Thursday, February 9th is postponed due to the predicted weather.
An abbreviated school board meeting will be held on February 15, at 5:15pm at the SAU office prior to a 6pm SAU board meeting.
Abbreviated meeting will cover actions items such as: school calendar and election day mailer.
Also cancelled:  Judy Nelson will NOT be at RGS Feb 9 at 5:45pm. Please email her with the traits and values you would like to see in a Superintendent of Schools.

Input Needed: Superintendent Search

SEARCH FOR: Superintendent of Schools, SAU56, Rollinsford School DistrictTraits & Values

Please share your thoughts on the traits and values you would like to see in our new Superintendent of Schools.

Jeni Mosca, our current Superintendent is retiring – her last day is June 30, 2017.

The search for a new superintendent is just getting underway.

Ways you can get your thoughts to the Rollinsford members of the Search Committee:

• Email Rollinsford School Board members: Judy Nelson or Tom Kunz

• Show up before the School Board meeting this Thursday, 2/9/17

  • Judy Nelson will be IN THE RGS GYM starting at 5:45pm

• Look for poster boards where you can jot down a trait or characteristic or value (available from noon Monday 2/6 through noon Wednesday 2/15)

  • Town Hall
  • Library
  • Rollinsford Grade School
  • Post Office

The agenda for the board meeting this Thursday, 2/9/17 is available here.

Proposed Warrant Articles on Motor Vehicle Fee




Monday, February 6, 2017

6:00 pm

Town Hall

Proposed Warrant Articles on Motor Vehicle Fee

  1. To see if the town will vote to adopt the provisions of RSA 261:153 to collect an additional $5.00 fee for each motor vehicle registration and to deposit the entirety of such fees to the Transportation Improvement Capital Reserve Fund; and further, to set April 1, 2017 as the effective date for the collection of the fee.
  1. To see if the Town will vote to establish a Transportation Improvement Capital Reserve Fund for the purpose of supporting town transportation improvements, and to name the Select Board as agents to expend from the Transportation Improvement Capital Reserve Fund.

The public hearing will be taped and posted to the website following the meeting.

Activities bus from Marshwood High and Middle Schools will resume Oct. 24

To parents of Rollinsford Marshwood Middle and High School students,

The school board voted this week to reinstate the activities bus, also known as the “late bus,” which picks up students from Marshwood Middle and High Schools at roughly 4:05 and brings them to their homes. The bus will resume on Oct. 24 and is guaranteed to run through Feb. 2, 2017.
During this time the school board will collect ridership numbers, gather information about alternative funding possibilities, and request quotes for future costs from First Student. At the January 2017 school board meeting, the board will review the information gathered and conduct another vote to determine whether to continue the bus.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please email the school board or come to our next meeting.

Sincerely, The Rollinsford School Board