Public Hearing 7.5.22: Police Body Cameras

Rollinsford Select Board
Rollinsford Town Hall
Tuesday, July 5, 2022 at 6:00 p.m.

Pursuant to RSA 31:95-b, the Rollinsford Select Board will hold a Public Hearing on the acceptance of the State Grant Funds for the purchase of body cameras for the Rollinsford Police Department.

For your convenience, the remote hybrid meeting information for this meeting and the Select Board meeting that will follow is listed below:
Phone: 1 661-772-9098 PIN: 549 030 565#
The regularly scheduled Select Board meeting will follow at 6:30 p.m.

Posted: June 28, 2022
Posted at: Rollinsford Town Hall and the Post Office Posted by: C. Boyle

Stormwater Committee MS4 Year 4 Report Update

The Town of Rollinsford is required to report annually to the EPA for an MS4 General Permit. The third year of reporting was completed last fall and the Select Board and Town Administrator are in the process of completing requirements and reporting for year 4. EPA requirements consist of many activities, some of which include:

  • Catch basin maintenance, street maintenance, winter program maintenance
  • Catchment investigations, stormwater mapping and outfall mapping, dry and wet weather sampling of outfall areas
  • Providing public outreach information on lawn and septic care, pet waste disposal, industrial and developer construction cleanup, etc.
  • Stormwater program development and construction runoff management
  • Street design and green infrastructure reporting
  • Employee training
  • Development of long-term planning and maintenance for stormwater management activities

In addition to the MS4 General Permit requirements, the Town is also required to participate in a Non-Point Source Nitrogen Permit program. Separate, but related, requirements for reporting are required under this permit.

CORRECTION: Budget Committee Opening

A previous version of this notice had an incorrect email address for the Budget Committee Chair. It is corrected below. 

The Town’s Budget Committee currently has a vacant seat to fill. The Budget Committee reviews budget proposals made by the Town, School, and District then deliberates and determines a bottom line amount for each to bring forward to the voters.

The Committee meetings are on Wednesday nights at 6:30. They meet quarterly to review Town, School, and Water Sewer District Expenses and weekly in the fall months. There are two Saturday meetings: one in January and one in February.

Applicants are asked to submit a letter of interest in joining the Committee. Please include a brief statement about why you would like to serve and what you bring to the Committee (willingness to volunteer, perspective of the residents, some kind of practical skills or experience like accounting or purchasing, etc.). No related experience is required.

To submit a letter of interest or questions about the position, please contact the Budget Committee Chair.