RWSD Hydrant Flushing 9/13 – 9/17

The Rollinsford Water and Sewer District will be flushing hydrants during overnight hours next week (9/13 through 9/17). Flushing is part of our routine maintenance program necessary to maintain the integrity of the water system and to ensure the hydrants are in proper working order. Please note that although the water is safe to drink after flushing, it can become discolored. If this happens, run your cold water tap for a few minutes until the water is clear. If it is not clear the first time, wait a few minutes and repeat this process.

For more information, please check the RWSD website at, contact the District office via phone at 603-742-8124 or via email at [email protected].

Late start Thursday bus route information

Good evening,

As Marshwood Middle and High Schools begin the “late start” Thursday schedule tomorrow, September 9th, please know that the buses for Rollinsford students who attend MMS and MHS will run on the same schedule as they do on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.   Unlike in years past, there is no separate Thursday schedule.   Supervision is being provided at both schools for students.

For your reference, the link to the bus routes is below:

We apologize for the late notice.  If you have any questions, please contact me or you can contact First Student Transportation at 692-4406.


Lori Lane

Superintendent of Schools

Town Administrator Resignation

Caroline Kendall is resigning as the Town Administrator for the Town of Rollinsford effective September 17thand has issued the following statement:

“It has been an honor and pleasure to serve the residents of the Town of Rollinsford for the past seven and a half years, the last two and a half as the first Town Administrator. I appreciate the opportunities afforded me in this position to learn, grow, and work with such wonderful people. It has been a pleasure getting to know you all. Thank you all for your part in enriching this experience for me as you have.”

The Select Board will be addressing the vacancy at an upcoming meeting.

As always, you may reach the Select Board by emailing them at [email protected] or at a Select Board meeting scheduled for most Monday nights. A link to the public calendar can be found here.

Upcoming Meetings 9.7 – 9.13

All meetings will be held at the Town Hall unless otherwise noted 

Planning Board Meeting, Tuesday, September 7 at 7pm 

Select Board Meeting, Wednesday, September 8 at 6pm For your convenience, the remote hybrid meeting information is listed below: Link: Phone: 1 929 205 6099 US Meeting ID: 870 3145 9010 

School Board Meeting, Thursday, September 9, at 6:30pm at the Rollinsford Grade School 

The deadline for submitting a letter of interest to be considered for the opening on the School Board is Tuesday, September 7 at 5:00 PM.

Please submit the letter of interest or any questions to [email protected]

Select Board Meeting, Monday, September 13 at 6pm For your convenience, the remote hybrid meeting information is listed below: Link: Phone: 1 929 205 6099 US Meeting ID: 812 7406 3445 

 Upcoming Meetings 8.30-9.1

All meetings will be held at the Town Hall unless otherwise noted 

ZBA Meeting, Thursday, August 26th CANCELLED– there are no pending applications

Select Board Meeting, Monday, August 30 at 6pm The Select Board is now offering a hybrid approach to meetings so people can listen to meetings and speak during public comment periods. Links to meetings are available through the calendar on the Town website. NOTE: Unlike previously when meetings were held remotely, meetings now must be held in person at the Town Hall. In case of a failure of technology or other inability to meet remotely, the in-person meeting will continue. 

For your convenience, the remote meeting information for Wednesday night is listed below:


Phone: 1 929 205 6099 US Meeting ID: 865 3786 2326 

Stormwater Committee Meeting, Tuesday, August 31 at 6:30pm 

CIP Committee Meeting, Wednesday, September 1 at 6:30pm 

Select Board Opening

The deadline for submitting a letter of interest to be considered for the opening on the Select Board is Saturday, August 28th.

Please submit the letter of interest to [email protected].

The next meeting of the Select Board is Monday, August 30th at 6:00pm at the Town Hall.

Select Board Meeting Date Change and Hybrid Option

The Select Board meeting scheduled for tonight, Monday, August 23, 2021 has been rescheduled to Wednesday, August 25th still at 6:30pm.

The Select Board is now offering a hybrid approach to meetings so people can listen to meetings and speak during public comment periods. Links to meetings are available through the calendar on the Town website. NOTE: Unlike previously when meetings were held remotely, meetings now must be held in person at the Town Hall. In case of a failure of technology or other inability to meet remotely, the in-person meeting will continue.

For your convenience, the remote meeting information for Wednesday night is listed below:


Phone: 1 929 205 6099 US

Meeting ID: 886 1266 6890

The CIP Committee Meeting scheduled for Thursday, August 19 will begin at 6:00pm (rather than 6:30pm as was previously announced).

Open position: School Board Member

A member of the Rollinsford School Board has resigned ahead of their term expiration. The remaining board members have the authority to appoint a new member to serve until the next town election in March 2022.

The school board meets the second Thursday of every month and holds additional meetings during budget season. Some members also serve as ex-officio members on other boards and committees.

If you are interested in being considered for appointment, please send the school board a letter of interest indicating why you are interested in serving and any applicable experience or expertise you would bring to the board.

Please direct letters of interest:

By email

Or by postal mail to:

Rollinsford School Board

51 West High Street
Somersworth, NH 03878

Questions may be directed to the email address above.


Myles England has resigned from the Select Board effective August 20th referencing increased demands from his primary job. The Select Board wishes Myles all the best and thanks him for his service to the Town.

This resignation creates an opening on the 3-member Board which governs the operations of the Town. The remaining two Board members have the authority to appoint a third member who would serve until the next Town Meeting in March, 2022.

The Select Board meets on Monday nights at 6:30pm every other week. Sometimes off-week meetings are scheduled when needed. Select Board members also serve as ex-officio members on other boards and committees.

If interested in being considered for appointment, please send the Select Board a letter of interest indicating why you are interested in serving and any applicable experience or expertise you would bring to the Board.

Please direct letters of interest:

By email to: [email protected]

By mail or drop off at the Town Office at: 667 Main Street, PO Box 309

Questions may be directed to the email address above, at the Town Office, or by phone:

742-2510 x313