Mandatory Water Ban: All Outdoor Water Use

As drought conditions persist and parts of Strafford County, including Rollinsford, have been elevated to “Extreme Drought”, the Rollinsford Water and Sewer District is placing a mandatory water ban on all outdoor water use. The ban is effective immediately and will be in place until conditions improve. Per this ban, the following activities are restricted within the District:

  • Watering of residential landscape areas (lawns or landscapes) *also prohibited townwide as of 9/28/20*
  • Washing of vehicles
  • Washing down paved surfaces
  • Filling of swimming pools

Please be advised that the water use restrictions will be enforced. The first offense will result in a written notice for failure to comply. A second violation will result in a $100 fine. A third violation will result in a $500 fine. If you observe violations to the ban or have any questions, please contact the District office at 603-742-8124 or via email.

Water Restriction Notice

Effective September 28, 2020, the Town of Rollinsford is enacting a water restriction prohibiting the watering of residential lawns due to the severe drought conditions that continue throughout most of the State. Parts of Strafford County including Rollinsford are now in an EXTREME drought. All residents within the Town of Rollinsford must comply with Level 3 restrictions found in Ordinance 2016-02 which can be found on the Town website. The Town encourages people to consider other ways to conserve water including not washing vehicles. For more information visit the NH Department of Environmental Services

Planning Board Workshop 9.29.20: Revisions to the Zoning Ordinance

The Planning Board will be holding a workshop on Tuesday, September 29th at 7:00pm to discuss potential revisions to the Zoning Ordinance. Revisions must be approved by voters at Town Meeting in March. Residents who are interested in revisions are encouraged to share their ideas with the Planning Board at this time.

Petition warrant articles for zoning amendments will be accepted between November 9th and December 9th.

The meeting will be held via Google Meets. Link to join the meeting:

People may also participate by phone: 1 570-554-0287 PIN: ‪277 788 818#

Upcoming September Meetings  (All Virtual)

Select Board Meeting,  Thursday, September 10 at 6pm (The public is welcome to join the meeting by following this link or by calling 1-401-589-5664 and entering PIN number: ‪‪230 292 632#)

Select Board Public Hearing Cares Act, Monday, September 14 at 5:45pm (The public is welcome to join the meeting by following this link or by calling 1-484-393-2042 and entering PIN number: ‪‪383 229 925#)

Select Board Budget Workshop, Monday, September 14 at 6pm (The public is welcome to join the meeting by following this link or by calling 1- 574-221-007 and entering PIN number: ‪‪ 881 773 975#)

Rec Committee Meeting, Wednesday, September 16 at 6:30pm (The public is welcome to join the meeting by following this link or by calling 1-402-803-1326 and entering PIN number: ‪‪ 826 103 345#)

Select Board Meeting,  Tuesday, September 21 at 6:30pm (The public is welcome to join the meeting by following this link or by calling 1-401-589-5664 and entering PIN number: ‪‪230 292 632#)

Highway Safety Committee Meeting (The public is welcome to join the meeting by following this link or by calling 1-585-340-7880 and entering PIN number: ‪‪248 314 658#)

Select Board Budget Workshop, Monday, September 28 at 6pm (The public is welcome to join the meeting by following this link or by calling 1- 614-382-6520 and entering PIN number: ‪‪ 139 127 75#)

Voluntary Water Restriction

The Rollinsford Water and Sewer District (RWSD) is currently asking that District members voluntarily reduce outdoor water use as local drought conditions continue to worsen. At this time, the public is requested to refrain voluntarily from landscape watering and to limit the amount of water used outdoors for other purposes. We will continue to monitor our water levels and may issue mandatory restrictions if conditions continue to worsen and drought conditions persist. We thank you for your cooperation.